Chapter one


“Beth,youready?”Ishout down the hall hoping to leave on time this morning.

“Coming! I just need to find my keys. Have you seen them?”

I roll my eyes as I stand at the door with my keys, laptop, and sweater all neatly tucked in my bag like a responsible human being. I take a quick glance around and see Beth’s keys lying in plain sight on the dining table.

“Yes! They’re right here on the table. Let’s go! I can’t be late for my first day!”

Beth comes racing out of her room frantically making her way to the door I am holding open.

“Okay, so you’re good covering the bakery?”

“Lace, yes. I’m good. Really.”

“Right. I just feel bad leaving you there all day while I go to my boring job.”

“I know. But Ashley will come in for a few hours to help up front so I can concentrate on things in the back. It’ll be totally fine. Really.”

I hate leaving Beth to run the bakery while I go into my corporate day job. I know Beth is more than capable of handling things. She’s smart, great with the customers and a good baker. I think I just hate that I can’t be there doing what I love.

“It’s all good Lace. You’re keeping us afloat; you shouldn’t feel bad about anything. You’ll be back full time baking your macarons and those little pie things in no time.”

“Tarts, Beth. They’re called tarts.”

“Right. Tarts. Whatever. They’re delicious and everyone loves them, and you make them far better than I can. I’m just going to stick to brownies and cookies.”

I stand on the sidewalk and watch the bus crawl to a stop. As I climb aboard, I feel nervous energy pulsing through my veins. I have no idea how I even landed this job at Whitmore Tech. It is the biggest company I have ever worked for. I have an accounting degree but haven’t really used it in the corporate world in several years, but they must have needed to fill this senior financial analyst position badly because after only one interview they offered it to me.

“How’s your feet Lace?” Beth asks gently swaying with the bus’s movements hanging on to a grab bar.

“Ugh, they hurt already and I’m not even at the office yet.”

Hurt is an understatement. I haven’t worn heels to work since my first job out of college over ten years ago. After that job I spent years working in food service without ever having to wear heels. Those were glorious years, and I desperately miss my flats.

After ten minutes the bus stops outside Whitmore Tech. It’s hard not to be in awe of the building. It’s sleek and mirrored and completely out of place in Littleford, but it’s also Littleford’s claim to fame built by the town’s most well-known family.

I turn and give Beth a quick hug. “See you later. I’ll text you!”

“Sounds good! Watch your feet!” Beth shouts at me as I make my way to the front of the bus. I almost look back to roll my eyes, but I can’t help appreciating her in the moment. Fifteen years of friendship is something to be proud of. We never grew apart, instead we have grown closer. We are like sisters really. Being roommates through college and now living together in our small apartment to make ends meet will do that to a relationship.

Arriving at my floor I make eye contact with the receptionist. I remember her from my interview, and I am happy to see a somewhat familiar face.

“Good morning. I am supposed to be meeting with David."

“Sure thing. Lacey Paxton right?” She asks, clearly knowing my name and probably my entire day’s schedule already.

“Yes, I am the new senior financial analyst on David’s team.”

“Well welcome! I’m Dani. Nice to meet you and he’ll be out in just a minute to get you acclimated.”

“Thanks so much.”

As I stand waiting, I stare down at my feet. They are already looking a little swollen. Why the heels?

I sigh at my choice of three-inch pumps with a sudden distaste for anything tall which inflicts pain.