“Yeah, why not,” I hear him reply reluctantly.
“Have you decided on any names for the girl yet?” I hear her ask him. Little do they know, I have a surprise for our daughter’s name. It’s the one name we couldn’t agree on. They wanted to name her after me, while I suggested Lycus' mother’s name. But he didn’t want his daughter’s name to represent such a horrid memory for him, and mine was not an option for me.
Two Years Later
Two years have passed, and our family is finally complete. Our twins are now over-active one-year-olds. One boy and one girl. Both were born with magic, both as Harmony Seraphim elementals. This no doubt creates challenges for all of us since we are still learning my abilities. Chasing them around is tiring, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Their fathers spoil them to no end, always making me the bad guy when they refuse to go to bed or if they can’t bring themselves to say no to them. Instead, they send in Mommy, the enforcer of the rules.
They often sneak over through the bathroom, and I wake up with tiny feet and hands jammed in my face and my back. I love them dearly, but I need them to sleep in their own rooms for once, and through the night, even just one night.
I’m not asking for much, just one night of uninterrupted sleep. Forget sex; it's sleep I desperately need! And stronger coffee!
Tobias nudges me as I watch them chase the Phoenixes around the field, their laughter filling the air like music.
“We should have one more,” he suggests, his green eyes twinkling.
I look at him like he has grown another head. Is he crazy? I can barely keep up with the two we have, much less one or more added to the mix.
“No, the two we have are enough. I can’t even use the bathroom in peace without one of them coming in to show me a toy or tell me a story about who’s not sharing.”
Ryze swoops down, her majestic wings casting a warm shadow over us. She drops onto Tobias' lap, joined by her own little chick. Despite how big she has gotten, she will forever be a lap Phoenix. She is constantly demanding belly rubs and scratches from Tobias. Her baby rubs her beak in Tobias' hair and caws in his ear, making him cringe at the noise.
“You hear that? That’s why we don’t need any more. The crying, the pooping, the non-existent sleep, and let’s not forget all the sex we don’t have anymore.” I snap. Tobias chuckles and nods after I make my point.
“Thomas, slow down, or you’ll take your eye out with that stick!” I stand up to go and wrangle him in, my muscles aching from the constant running after the twins; I don’t think I even did this much cardio while on the run, and I was running for my life back then!
“I got it; you relax,” Tobias laughs.
Ryze switches places and drops on my lap with her tummy up for me to rub, making me roll my eyes at her.
“I wish somebody would rub my belly,” I grumble at her. Her soft feathers tickle my fingers as I caress her. Her little chick is still perched on Tobias' shoulder while he walks over to tame our wild son.
Molly is still chasing Spark around when she falls, making my heart leap from my chest, and a gasp escapes my lips. Darius' portals onto the field instantly.
“I got her, just a little scratch. She’ll be fine.” Darius spoils her the most—maybe a little too much. She is daddy’s little girl, that one, and she has him wrapped around her tiny finger. “Aw, is my little girl hurt? Daddy will kiss it and make it better. How about some ice cream to make the ouch go away faster?”
I huff. He knows it’s nearly dinner time.
“Darius, you’re going to spoil her dinner! You know how I have to fight with her to eat her vegetables!” I yell at him.
“I will ensure she eats all her food, warden—I mean, Mommy.”
My eyes narrow slightly at his words. He thinks he is so slick. He will just use his magic to make her vegetables disappear, like he always does. I huff to myself.
Kalen—finally over his fear of the Phoenixes—sits down next to me, and Ryze flicks out her tongue to lick his cheek. I lean my head on his shoulder, letting out a sigh.
“Happy?” he asks.
I cuddle up against him as I answer, “Always, as long as I have all of you.”
He kisses the top of my head.
Thomas comes running over, jumping on Kalen with Tobias right behind him.