The Phoenixes circle above us, their radiant feathers shimmering like precious jewels against the sky, jolting the veil between dimensions that shield this place from our view. Now that Tobias has pointed it out, I can feel the vibration all around us, feel the veil pulsing like a living thing. We just have to figure out how to drop it.
Lydia—that cunning, twisted woman—she has created her own world between realms. We need only the power to bring down the shield and send enough energy into it to shatter the veil that keeps this place hidden. Wards can only go so far, which makes me wonder what exactly she uses to maintain this never-ending charge.
I carefully examine the translucent veil, its shimmering surface now more apparent after the Phoenixes revealed its existence. We possess a lot of power, but it would be foolish to use it all at once and burn through it. We need to conserve as much as possible because we have no idea whether Aleera can feel us or not. She has given us as much power as the bond allows her to transmit, but it is nowhere near enough to bring down the veil dividing the two realms.
As I stand before the circling Phoenixes, I can feel my strength beginning to wane. The Phoenixes, on the other hand, possess an unimaginable amount of power—the ability to regenerate their lifespans and thus create an unlimited energy source. But without Aleera’s help or the Phoenixes willingly agreeing to share their power with us, this energy remains inaccessible.
My mind races, trying to come up with creative ways to tap into this power. What specific forces are at work in maintaining the veil’s existence? Each possible answer brings a new set of questions: What will it take to break through it? Will it require a monumental effort on our part? The answers seem daunting and elusive, but I know that success will be within reach if we can find them.
Tobias and Lycus scan the ground, their eyes darting back and forth as they search for a power source or anything that might be a ward. Knowing that they have to have a barrier here somewhere, just as I placed a barrier around Astrid. This is just about the same only, stronger and slightly different. My ward is merely camouflage. This has gone beyond the realms of that, which makes me question how Lydia managed it because it would take a lot of power to hold a ward between dimensions. But I know we won’t find anything. Lydia hasn't survived this long, like a cockroach, by leaving a map behind to locate her. We need something to drain its power or overwhelm the source. If we can somehow control something like a solar flare, that might possibly do the trick, but I have no idea how to conjure up something like that.
In the distance, Kalen also stares up at the magnificent birds. Ryze, the most familiar of the Phoenixes, drops out of formation not too far from him, making him jump. He watches the bird, and Ryze stares right back.
I force myself to drag my attention away from them and focus on the task at hand. There has to be a solution to this, and I need to figure it out quickly.
“Nothing,” Tobias huffs, wandering over to my side. He glances over at Kalen as he interacts with Ryze.
Lycus joins us, watching Kalen and Ryze before tipping his head back and studying the other birds.
“We need their help, but without her, there’s no way to control the flock,” he says, shuddering at Kalen’s proximity to the lethal creatures.
“Maybe I can try to absorb it,” I suggest, my voice heavy with desperation.
“Are you insane?” Tobias demands, turning on me with a mixture of anger and disbelief. “We don’t even know what is powering this. Even your incubus side has limits on what it can absorb. What do you plan to do if they can’t charge it? Absorbing it may kill you, Darius. What if whatever is powering this thing between realms is more than you can handle?”
I scowl, frustration bubbling within me. “Well, do you have a better idea? I can try to siphon it while they charge. It might be enough to break through it.”
“We did not come all this way to save her just to lose you,” Tobias snarls, his eyes turning a dark shade of crimson. “Aleera would be furious if you went and killed yourself trying to get her out.”
“It’s the only plan we’ve got right now!” I snap back, my voice is raw with desperation.
“Perhaps not,” Lycus muses, his voice quiet but determined. He takes a step towards Kalen, who has abandoned his conversation with Ryze and is now hunting for a way to drop the veil. Lycus hums thoughtfully, clearly deep in thought. I am proud of him, but also a little worried about what he might say.
“What are you thinking?” I ask, my curiosity piqued.
“Kalen…he can manipulate our auras, our intentions,” Lycus says, pointing at Kalen. My eyes widen, surprised by this revelation. Yet, Lycus knows more about Kalen’s magic than even Kalen does. He has shared enough that we know we have to keep him protected.
“What if he can manipulate the Phoenixes, show them his intentions and what we need from them?” Lycus continues, still surprising me with his ideas.
“They won’t allow a Dark-Fae to control them,” Tobias argues, his voice filled with skepticism.
“Lycus is right. Kalen is strong enough. He'll be able to if he can get near enough.” Tobias looks at me funny as if to ask what I'm hiding, but I haven't got time to explain what I've observed. But I know Kalen is strong enough because if he can manipulate my incubus side that has no bounds, a Phoenix should be no problem for him.
Phoenixes don’t answer to Dark-Fae. They only tolerate us for Aleera’s sake, their loyalty remaining with her. However, Kalen hadn’t always been Dark-Fae, and neither had I. Some part of me knows they must be able to sense that through her, so maybe it really could work.
“We can't know that for sure, Darius; they could hurt him,”
“They won't. They can sense him, just as they can sense what I was,” I tell him, and this time, both Lycus and Tobias look at me suspiciously.
Glancing over my shoulder, I see Kalen desperately searching for her. Just like me, he believes the flock brought us here for a reason.
So many secrets we've all kept, secrets that have been our downfall. “Is he part of the reason you didn't want Aleera to complete the bond? He is one of your dirty secrets, Darius?” Tobias snarls at me, and I look away.
“There is a reason the shadows taint him. I thought I was protecting him,” I answer. Lycus and Tobias' brows furrow, both of them clearly confused at my words.
“Kalen used to be Harmony-Fae, just like Aleera and I,” I admit.
“Excuse me!” Tobias snarls, yet Lycus' reaction is entirely different.