Page 11 of Tasting Darkness

“I am not here for the Were-Fae. Now, hurry up,” the man said, turning on his heel and walking into the gymnasium. Kalen nervously chewed his lip, glancing at the door to the infirmary before he reluctantly followed. He had never had issues with the headteacher; the headteacher was only new to the orphanage, so he didn’t suspect anything wrong at first. When he entered the gymnasium, however, he knows something was wrong. His math teacher sat on a chair. Lash marks covered him where Lycus had beaten him.

A few other teachers stood off to the sides as they entered. Kalen followed behind the headteacher watching the other teachers nervously, thinking he would probably be issued the cane. That’s exactly what he got, the cane. Not a piece of his skin was left untainted when they finished beating him. This was their punishment for Lycus. They knew Kalen was Lycus’ weak spot and the only person he cared for, so they hurt Kalen to teach Lycus a lesson. Then they fed on him, nearly killing him before dumping him outside the infirmary door for Lycus to find. But one thing about Were-Fae, they’re predators for a reason. You don’t kick a dog and expect it not to bite.


“Psst, wake up. We are leaving,” Lycus said, shaking Kalen’s shoulder and waking him. Kalen groaned and rolled over to see Lycus hovering above him.

“What’s wrong?” Kalen whispers, sitting up and rubbing his eyes while yawning. He looked at Lycus, dazed.

Lycus grabbed Kalen’s face, which was still covered in lash marks. “We are leaving. We are better off on our own,” he told him, pulling Kalen’s pajama shirt off and dressing him. Kalen’s sleeping medication made him extra groggy and almost non-functioning.

“Where will we go?” Kalen mumbled, trying to lie back down when Lycus grabbed him under the arms forcing him to his feet.

“Anywhere they can’t touch you,” Lycus growled before chucking a bag over his shoulder. Kalen tries to shake his head and pulls away from Lycus.

“We can’t leave,” Kalen murmurs while rubbing his eyes.

“We have no choice,” Lycus tells him, and Kalen opens his eyes to really look at Lycus. Lycus was drenched in blood from head to toe. Kalen gapes at him, his hand reaching for Lycus, but Lycus dumps the bag he had on the ground and starts rummaging through it. “What did they do to you?” Kalen murmurs, and Lycus looks up at him.

“Nothing. It’s not mine,” Lycus whispers, glancing around at the other kids and making sure they’re still asleep. He pulls a clean shirt out and pulls it on and a hoodie.

Kalen is confused before it dawns on him, yet his mind refused to believe that Lycus was capable of such things. “What did you do?” Kalen stutters.

“Made sure they couldn’t touch you again,” Lycus answered, tossing the bag over his shoulder. He grabs Kalen, who is still trying to make sense of what is going on, convinced he’s having a nightmare.

Kalen, doped off his ass from the medication, woke up later at the bus stop, having no memory of the walk there. It was freezing cold, snow covered the ground, and Lycus was rubbing his arms, trying to warm him up. The motion had woken Kalen, who peered around, confused.

“Shh, go back to sleep,” Lycus murmured. Kalen trusted Lycus to keep him safe, so he did just that. After years of living in terror, he could finally breathe.

They lived like that for years. Living day to day. Taking any odd jobs they could find. Lycus, at one stage, even became a male stripper to help them get by. His werewolf genes made him appear older than he was, and as much as Lycus hated it, he did more than just strip for thefilthy old pub tartsto get them by. Until he realized he was hurting Kalen.

The settings dissolve around me. The mood changes, more light and airy. I realize I’ve been shoved into one of Kalen’s happiest memories.

Lycus had just come out to the kitchen at the back of the strip club where Kalen was washing dishes, covered in sweat with money stuffed in his briefs. Kalen hung up his apron as his shift ended before stalking off out the back.

“Kalen?” Lycus asked, chasing after him and pulling clothes on as he chased after him, but Kalen hated seeing Lycus with women and found it made him jealous. He didn’t know what to think of the strange feelings he had for him. He thought it was wrong to feel that way about another man.

Trudging home in the snow, they were currently sleeping in a tent at a nearby park, both still too young to rent a place, and neither had ID.

“Kalen, did something happen?” Lycus asked him, catching up to him, but Kalen ignored him and kept walking home. When they got to the small park at the back of the pub, Kalen unzipped the tent and climbed in, sitting on his makeshift bed.

Lycus enters a few seconds later, angry that Kalen ignored him.“What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing.” Kalen snapped back at him.

“Well, something is wrong,” Lycus said, sniffing himself. He shuddered; he hated how they pawed at him, hated the things he had to do, but he did them so they could survive. When Kalen didn’t answer, Lycus growled before stomping out of the tent and toward the toilets. There was a shower in there, but it only had cold water. Still, it was better than nothing, and the sickly scents of the woman at the pub repulsed him and made his skin crawl. When he returned, Kalen continued to ignore him.

“Kalen,” Lycus said, and he looked up at Lycus. He passed Kalen a burger he must have gotten on his way home. Kalen sighed but took it. Lycus sat across from him, eating his own food.

“You were in the red room,” Kalen muttered, taking a bite of his burger. Lycus shrugged like it was no big deal.

“Filthy whore, she was married, too,” Lycus said, his eyes flicking to Kalen’s who was glaring at him.

“What?” Lycus asked, but Kalen shook his head, going back to eating his food.

“You have been really strange lately. What’s gotten into you? Have you run out of medication? I can pull a double tomorrow,” Lycus told him.

Kalen muttered under his breath, and Lycus growled at him. Kalen knew he was annoyed. They told each other everything. Well, except for one thing; he never told Lycus how he felt about him. When they finished eating, Lycus rummaged through their bags, looking for Kalen’s sleeping pills, and sighed.