“Gigi, I said no!”

I sigh in defeat stomping out of the house to go and sit in the SUV and wait for my driver and apparently my bodyguard to take me to Father Lorenzo’s church. I'm fearful that they will insist on sitting in on my sessions with him and as we drive, I come up with several arguments why that is absolutely not possible and that they should wait outside in the car for me.

It all proves to be for naught because they just let me out at the church's entrance and let me go in by myself. I suppose it makes sense that the devil's minions do not want to enter God's house. It's a relief to me as I immediately run to the rectory in search of Father Lorenzo. I find a middle-aged lady there, making photocopies of documents. She looks up at me in surprise.

“I'm sorry. I'm looking for Father Lorenzo. Have you seen him?”

She gives me a tentative smile. “The father is in the confessional at the moment. If you want, you can join the queue to see him.”

I nod and go back to the church, noticing for the first time the three ladies there dressed in black, their heads covered in lace, bent over double in old age. They look like a trio of witches to me, and I give them a wide berth. They go to confession one by one, before kneeling down in the pews to say their prayers. By the time it's my turn to see the priest, all three are still kneeling.

I get on my knees peering through the mesh that separates me from Father Lorenzo. “Father?” I whisper tentatively, “it's me. Gigi.”

“Hello Gigi. You have come early today.”

“I had to get away from them. And I don't want to run the risk of Patrizio coming to see me.”

He gives a long sigh, “this business is so unfortunate.”

“Yes, yes,” I say impatiently, “Do you have news for me?”

“Well, I have heard from your husband. He seems to be making arrangements to come back to the city soon.”

“Soon is not good enough! I am to be married in two days.”

“Yes well, about that. I have something that could delay the wedding just long enough for Romano to get to town and get you away.”

“What is it?”

“In my time as caretaker of my flock, I have had occasion to learn about the properties of many herbs. There is one named belladonna, that in small quantities can mimic death. Once we make your family think that you are dead, we can smuggle you out of the city to your husband. And, well, you cannot get married if your family thinks you're dead anyway.”

I shake my head slowly. This all sounds so crazy. Faking my death? That is such a permanent move. I'm not sure I can go through with it. But then I think of the alternative - marriage to Patrizio.

I'd rather be dead.

I nod my head, “How much do I take and when do I take it?”

“I think the best time would be the morning of your wedding. That will give me time to get to Romano and let him know what is going on so he can be ready.”

“They said they sent him out of the country.”

“Yes, but he did not go. In fact, he told me that he is on his way here. I will have to trust that in two days he will be ready.”

I nod slowly, “Alright father. I’ll go and sit in the church for a while and text with mymadrina.”

“Do not communicate the plan to her via text. You never know.”

“No, I know. I wouldn’t put it past my dad or Patrizio to have cloned my phone.”

“If this is to succeed, they must be kept totally in the dark. I would not suggest you share the plan with anyone until I have sent someone to speak with Romano.”

“I won’t.” I say fiercely. This is my only chance, and I don’t intend to fuck it up. “Will you give me the potion today?”

“No, I need to mix it up very precisely. Come for it tomorrow.”

“Will do.”

“Do you think your father will allow you?”