The priest expels a noisy breath, “Can you give me a day and a night to think about it? I shall come up with something suitable."

I nod. “If all else fails, then I guess, I will have the power to die.”

Father Lorenzo shakes his head, “I will pray it does not come to that.”

“Keep your prayers Father. I need practical solutions.”

“Gigi!” Aunt Ludovica glares reproachfully at me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.” I don't want to start our relationship by lying to the priest so I apologize for what I can - namely rudeness.

He does not seem to take it too much to heart, merely rubs my shoulder consolingly as he gets to his feet. “Try to stay out of trouble for a day or two, until when I find you a way out of this mess.”

I nod eagerly, wanting to be agreeable. “I will, Father. Thank you so much.”

He nods in acknowledgement, “Perhaps by the time we meet again I will have another message for you from Romano.”

“Please tell him I love him… and I understand why he did what he did. Every one of us should have someone in their lives willing to avenge them.”

From the way my aunt and the priest exchange glances, I know that they know that I’m not just talking about Mark.


Dinner with Tommy turns out to be an unexpectedly enjoyable affair. He has so many stories of the shenanigans he got up to while in New York that he keeps me laughing all evening. It’s just me and him at the table, while Carlo hovers in the background, available in case he’s needed.

It’s only after we put our plates aside and are digging into a delicious gateau that Tommy turns to me in all seriousness. “So, this wife of yours, is there anything I need to know?”

I hesitate because in truth, I really should tell him that Giada is a Cardinali, but I don’t want to reduce the chances of him helping me.

“Romano, c’mon…it’s just me.”

I sigh in resignation, “Fine. She’s a Cardinali.”

Tommy just stares at me as if I’ve grown a second head. “Say again?”

“It’s Giada Cardinali, only child of Giuseppe. She is my secret wife.”

I give Tommy a sidelong glance and smirk. “You going to pick your jaw up off the floor?”

“Shut up. You can’t come in here, drop a bombshell like that and expect me not to react.”

“No, you’re right. Sorry.” I just look at him, waiting for his verdict. The fact that he hasn’t thrown me out already is a good sign.

He huffs out a breath, blowing his lips out and considers me thoughtfully. “What is this? What are you doing? Is this some sort of plot to get at the Cardinalis?”

I shake my head slowly. “I wish. Unfortunately, the truth is I love this girl. When we met a while back, we didn’t know who the other was and by the time we found out…” I shrug.

Tommy stared at me google-eyed, his jaw still on the floor. “You're serious. This is like some romantic comedy.”

I huff in tired amusement, “Not the first time I have heard that.”

“And… this girl, she feels the same for you?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“Wow. Okay then. I’ll have to think on this, man. I wanna help you but I don’t want none of that New York heat on me.”
