“Good morning,” I say hoarsely.

Her smile widens and she opens her eyes. “Morning, Romeo.” She chuckles, “Did you agree to it because it’s so close to Romano?”

“Nah. I just went with the theme you were going for. Gotta satisfy your sub, right?”

She blinks at me, still smiling, her dark eyes depthless. “I suppose that’s right. I’m really glad it was you.”

I sit up and take a deep breath, trying to dissipate the intimate air surrounding us, lest we end up staring dreamily at each other all day. “I’m gonna go and get us some coffee. Would you mind waiting here for me?”

Her eyes light up and she seems happy, “Of course I don’t mind.”

“Great. There’s a bathroom in the other room. I will have Benedetto bring you some feminine stuff. If there’s anything else you need, just say so, okay?”

She reaches up and presses her lips to mine. “Thank you,” she whispers before letting me go.

“You’re…very welcome.”

I get up quickly, perform the most perfunctory of ablutions, get dressed and get out before I am tempted to fall back in her arms. Benedetto is waiting outside by the vehicle and when he catches sight of me, his eyes narrow.

“Dude…what are you doing? Don’t tell me you-” he stops short, looking at me with disbelief.

I stare back, challenging. “I… what?”

“Did you rape her?” he whispers.

It’s my turn to look incredulous. “What thefuck Ben! You really think I would do that?”

He raises his hands in surrender. “I don’t want to but look at you. You’re still wearing yesterday’s clothes. Clearly you spent the night in there. There’s only one bed.”

I grab him by the throat. “And you will keep that factoid to yourself, you hear me Ben?”

He stares at me, his eyes getting wide as saucers. “Oh my God, youdidsleep with her.”

“It was consensual.” I bite out, extremely irritated by his assumptions. “Turns out the Cardinali heir and I have a lot in common.” I chuckle to myself. “Now I need to go and get coffee and some breakfast. Why are you here?”

“I have news.”

“Okay. Get in the car, you can tell me on the way.”

Benedetto circles around to the passenger seat of my Range Rover. I get in the driver’s seat thankful for the blacked-out windows that will ensure that nobody sees who's driving out of this compound. If Giada’s people have started looking for her, it makes sense that they would start with the Montis.

If anyone saw us arrive or leave the party, then they might have a clue about who has her. “So shoot, what news?”

“Mark told Eric about the kidnapping. Eric isn't too happy about it. I think he will be coming by later to talk to you.”


Benedetto glared at me. “Are you taking this shit seriously? Eric could make trouble for you.”

“Relax,” I patted Benedetto’s knee a little patronizingly. “Everything is under control.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

“Like I said, Giada and I have some things in common. So there's a change of plan.”

“Is that why you didn't lock the door when you left the warehouse?”

I flick Benedetto a glance. My cousin is a lot sharper than he looks. “Yeah, as a matter of fact it is.”