Page 46 of Tainted Sinners

My anger boiled over the second I saw Ben Thomas’ face gracing my desktop. Marco Ambrosino’s ambitions were her death sentence, marrying his only daughter to a spoiled daddy’s boy: the heir to Edgar’sverylucrative business.

It’s common practice in the mafia world. Closing a deal with a wedding is our version of a happily ever after. But certainly not for the daughter that’s given away.

Ben is a sorry excuse for a man who will never be cut out for running the absolute dynasty that is Thomas Industries.

Sure, the guy has merit on paper. But if you look close enough, the only reason he got the chance to go to Harvard—and laughably didn’t even graduate—was because dear old daddy was on the board and pledged a shit ton to the school. Plus, his donations made sure the admissions office kept his kid’s record clear of all the hardcore partying he did on campus.

When I’d followed Antonella to her little rendezvous with the eldest Thomas heir, I’d been interested to see how things would play out. Would she be a good girl and do exactly as she’d been told? Or would she tell Ben Thomas to go fuck himself?

A toss-up, either way.

But it was clear from the way she dashed out to her town car that something had gone wrong. Very wrong.

As much as I’d observed her, unwillingly at first, Antonella has always given me the impression that nothing fazes her. Coupled with the fact that her father runs one of the most prolific Italian crime syndicates this side of Chicago, it’s safe to say she’s got guts—loyalty.

Even if it means marrying into another family to please her daddy.

Needless to say, her surprise at her new fiancé’s coke addiction—as well as whatever else it was that he’d said to her to scare her off—was probably something I should have predicted.

I know that ifI had witnessed the interaction, I would have dragged Ben out into the alley and beaten his face in.

I slow my pace when Antonella stops in front of a flower shops down the street. I hang back, tucking myself into the closest alleyway. She leans over, cupping a hand around the underside of a wide hydrangea and breathes in its scent.

I watch her eyes close, and a small smile graces her lips.

I can’t help but feel a small pang of fondness for her, watching her take in the world around her with such genuine interest.

However, over the past few days, thoughts like these have slowly morphed into something much darker.

Images of her on her knees, begging for me as I fist my hand in her hair. Her sweet eyes filled with undeniable pleasure as she—

I shake my head.

I had no intention of gettingentangled in Antonella Ambrosino's life.

In fact, I’m only here to try and put a stop to her father’s reign over Chicago.

He’s been a thorn in my side for far too long; meddling with Irish business for far too long. Hell, he killed my goddamn father. But revenge is sweet and slow. I’ve been patient. I want him gone and his only daughter could be the key to getting me exactly what I want. Especially now that he intends to marry her off to get in good with Thomas Industries.

A deal I intend on making mine.

Billions are on the table. I just have to reach out and take them. And once I do, I will happily watch Marco lose his empire—right before I plant a bullet between his eyes.

But things are complicated. The more I watch Antonella, the more I realize she’s not just a pawn in all this. I’m not sure what’s come over me. It’s been tough watching her deal with all this bullshit. It’s the first time in my life I’ve given a shit for anyone but myself. I guess it’s just because she beautiful.

She's breaking downas if her life is about to end. It seems impossible that her light could be extinguished so easily. It makes me wonder what kind of power her father really has over her.

That’s how my own demise set in; I don’t want anything bad to happen to her. I feel the urge to keep her safe, and it makes no sense to me—thisattachmentI’ve developed.

I want to say the only reason I’m watching her is because I plan on kidnapping her. A plan that’s been set; I know where and when the kidnapping should take place. But I keep stalling, telling myself I should get to know her more first. That it’s the right thing to do.

But none of this is right. None of this makes sense.

My mind has been completely captured by her, it'spure lust, and there is no other way for me to proceed. Two birds with one stone;I have to see this through.

And everything will cometo an end tonight.

According to her text messages, it's her last hurrah: one last night of freedom before she walks down the aisle tomorrow.