Page 61 of Playing Rough

Relief crashes over me, so powerful I feel dizzy with it. I kiss him again, trying to pour all I'm feeling into it—the fear, the hope, but most of all the bone-deep love I'm finally letting myself accept I feel for this man.

"I'm with you, Kensington. I’msofucking with you."

Riot smiles against my lips, soft and sure. "Together then. It’s cheesy as fuck, but it’s you and me against the world, Lancaster."

I pull back, meeting his gaze steadily. "And if the world tries to take us on? What then?"

"We'll fight like hell," Riot says fiercely. "And we'll win."



The ice gleamsunder the arena lights, smooth and untouched as we take the rink for pre-game warmups. But my roiling thoughts are anything but calm. Today's the day London and I agreed it's time to tell the team about us.

My guts are in knots, nerves buzzing louder than the clash of sticks and skates echoing through the empty stands. I got here early, hoping to rein in the chaos in my thoughts before facing the guys. But the longer I sit here spinning scenarios, the deeper my anxiety grows, twisting my insides tighter.

I'm not ashamed of me and London. Far fucking from it. But these teammates—they're my brothers. And the thought of that bond fracturing over who I love... it makes my chest clamp tight.

What if this wrecks the rhythm we've fought so hard to build? I can't be the reason our play falls apart before the playoffs. Can't risk costing the guys their shot at victory. Not when they've bled for it as much as I have.

But staying silent means denying the truth of me and London. Acting like what we have is some sordid secret. He deserves better than that. Deserves to stand proud in who he is—who we are together.

My thoughts chase themselves in useless circles until I'm at risk of wearing a rut in the ice. I force a long exhale, watching my breath plume white. All this stressing is getting me nowhere. Whatever happens today, London and I are gonna face it together.

I spot Deck chatting with the assistant coaches by the bench.Better get this over with.I skate over, my stomach swooping uneasily.

Deck notices me approaching and excuses himself. "Hey Ri. You're here early."

"Wanted to grab you before the rest of the guys get here." My hands tighten around my stick, palms clammy. "There's something I gotta tell you."

Deck's brow furrows, but he nods. "Let's talk in the locker room."

The short walk off the ice feels endless. My legs are stiff, nerves coiling tighter with each awkward step in my skates.

Finally alone, Deck leans against the bank of lockers, arms crossed loosely over his chest. "What's up? Something on your mind?"

I swallow hard, trying to find my voice. "Yeah, actually. London and I..." I hesitate, the words sticking in my throat.

Deck studies me, something knowing in his eyes. "You two finally got your shit together, huh? It's about damn time. You two ready to tell the team?"

My jaw drops, relief rushing through me so fast my knees nearly buckle. "You don’t care?"

Deck chuckles. "You two aren't exactly subtle. It’s probably a good thing to tell them before they figure it out on their own." He claps me on the shoulder. “Remember when I walked in on you two snuggling on the couch when London had his concussion?" His smile softens. “Didn't take a genius to see how much you care about each other then, and it’s not a far stretch to imagine you’d want to tell the team now that you’re sure.”

I exhale sharply, feeling like an idiot for not knowing Warren would have my back. But I couldn't risk it until now. Not when coming out could cost us everything.

I huff a laugh, relief crashing through me. "Well, guess that panic attack I had this morning was for nothing. But yeah, London and I are officially together and if anyone in this locker room fucks with my boyfriend, I’m gonna go the hell off. Just a heads up." I meet his eyes. “Got me?”

He laughs. “Yeah, I got you.”

I blow out a breath. "I know it's risky, but I've never felt like this about anyone before."

Deck grips my shoulder. "You don't need to explain it to me. I can see it." His mouth quirks. "Took you idiots long enough to get your shit together, though."

I roll my eyes but can't contain my grin. However the rest of the team reacts, at least I know my captain's got my back.

“Are you happy? Both of you?”