Page 59 of Playing Rough

Plus, him beating people’s asses on ice anytime they so much as breathe in my direction is a problem, no matter how much I fucking love it.

I'm tired of hiding how he makes me feel. Scared too, if I'm being dead honest. Going public withusmeans dealing with the judgments and shit I escaped from when I left Ravenloft. But staying silent means denying some fundamental truth about myself. And Riot should never have to feel like something I’m ashamed to share with the world.

The decision's been weighing on me, tugging at me relentlessly all week. I thought I could work through it alone, but that strategy's getting me nowhere but more lost. Talking it out's the only way I'll find any clarity here. But who the hell can I even tell?

Normally I’d go to FrozenFire, but that’s fucked.

The answer hits me as I'm heading out of class. Up ahead, I spot Knight breaking away from a pack of guys, his chestnut hair spilling out from a beanie.

"Ey, Shadow!" I call out, jogging to catch up. He grins when he sees me coming.

"Lancaster, my dude. You survived physio, yeah?" Knight greets me with a grin.

My lip curls. "Barely. That shit's 90 minutes of slow torture. I'm starving after—you down to grab a bite?"

Knight's smile sharpens, something calculating glinting in his mossy eyes before it's gone. "I could eat. Lead the way."

We end up at Lou's, my favorite campus deli. The faint twang of country music plays over the sizzle of the griddle. We grab loaded sandwiches and slide into a corner booth.

Knight studies me while I unwrap my food. "So what's up? You didn't suggest lunch just for my sparkling company."

I huff a laugh at his bluntness.

"What, I can't want to hang with my teammate?" I deflect, buying time. Bringing this up won't be easy. Shit, I’m already sweating. Knight's still the other new guy on the team, an unknown in a lot of ways sorta like me. But my gut says I can trust him with this.

Knight levels an unimpressed look my way. "Cut the bullshit, London. You've got a tell when something's eating at you." His eyes sharpen, seeing too much as he gestures to the way my leg’s shaking under the table. "Spill it. I won't judge."

I exhale, turning my iced tea between my palms. No use dancing around it any longer. "It's about me and Riot. We're... together. Romantically."

Knight's expression doesn’t change, like he expected as much. "Figured it was something like that. You two have gotten pretty cozy lately."

I raise a brow, surprised. "That obvious, huh?"

Knight smirks. "I'm not blind. Most of the guys just think it's your rivalry mellowing into friendship. But I could tell there was more going on. He looks at you like he wants to murder the air for touching you." He bites into his sandwich, mulling. "So what's the issue? Trouble in paradise already?"

I run a hand through my hair, exhaling harshly. "Nah, we're solid. It's just... nobody else knows. Well, except Deck. We've been keeping it quiet."

Understanding flickers through Knight's gaze. "Still in the closet and it's getting cramped, yeah?" He leans back in the vinyl booth. "You thinking of coming out to the team?"

"I want to," I admit softly. "I'm just not sure how they'll take it, you know? Hockey culture and all."

Knight nods thoughtfully. "It's a legit fear. I've known guys who went through hell trying to come out in this sport." His eyes turn distant. "Lost friends. Got forced off teams. There's still a lot of toxic bullshit out there even outside of hockey."

A storm cloud passes over his eyes before he blinks, and it’s gone.

My gut sinks hearing my worries spoken out loud. Makes them feel more real somehow.

Knight must read the apprehension on my face. He reaches across the table, squeezing my forearm. "But the team here won't pull any of that crap. They might be shocked at first, but they've got your back." His mouth lifts. "Riot's too. No matter what."

Something in me unclenches hearing the certainty in his voice.

"Most of the guys won't care who you love so long as you show up on the ice," Knight continues. "Deck, Teo, Eli, Bear—you know they'll support you no matter what."

I nod slowly, feeling the tight band around my chest loosen with each steadying breath. Knight's confidence gives me hope that this could work out. That Riot and me don't have to stay hidden forever.

"You really think the team will accept it?" I ask.

Knight smiles, but it’s tight. "They might razz you a bit, but it's 'cause they care. You're their brother, London. That won't change."