Page 22 of Playing Rough

Me: Def complicates the hell outta things.

FallingDown: Feelings and stuff can get messy af but they can also be dope if u embrace them, risks and all. Don't overthink it, just go with the flow and see where it takes u. Might surprise u.

I lean back against the headboard, tension leaching from my shoulders. Trust FD to make sense of my chaotic thoughts. I'm still unsure what to do about London. But for now, I breathe a little easier.

Me: Yeah, guess you’re right.

Me: Overthinking never helps. Thx for talking me down. Will hit u up when there's more drama lol.

FallingDown: Anytime dude. Rooting for ya. Later.

I set my phone aside, exhaustion creeping in. As I drift off, FD's words replay through my mind. Don’t overthink it…

I fall asleep wondering how the fuck I’m supposed to face London tomorrow and act like nothing’s changed.



The air iselectric at Puck & Pint tonight. Our latest win has spirits soaring and the drinks flowing freely. Music pumps through the packed bar as the team lets loose, fueled by the heady rush of crushing our rivals on the ice just hours before.

"Hawks, baby!" Tris cheers, holding up his beer.

A roar goes up from our cluster of teammates as we clink bottles and take deep swigs. Grinning, I soak in the triumphant atmosphere. Moments like this make the grueling practices and bone-jarring checks worthwhile.

Deck elbows me with a smirk. "That assist of yours to Riot for the winning goal? Fucking beauty, Lancaster."

"Couldn't have done it without your lockdown defense, Cap." I bump his fist, soaking up the hard-earned praise.

A glimpse of blond through the reveling crowd snags my attention. Riot stands by the bar, bottle in hand as he talks to Coach. His hair glimmers like spun gold under the lights. That stubborn jawline could cut glass.

A now familiar heat stirs in my gut at the sight of him. I quickly look away before Tris notices anything amiss. Too late.

"What's up with you two lately?" He nudges me again, eyebrows raised. "The tension on the ice this week was no joke. Figured you'd have kissed and made up by now."

I force a rough laugh to mask my unease. "Nah, man, it's all part of the game. Keeps us on our toes out there."

If only it were that simple. Ever since the explosive confrontation at his family's mansion last weekend, this uneasy truce has stretched between Riot and me. We've barely exchanged two civil words since.

Something shifted that night between us. The more distance I try to keep, the more he invades my thoughts like a phantom limb.

Deck leans in, expression serious. "Whatever issue you two have going on, resolve it fast. The team dynamic is too important, especially leading up to playoffs."

I nod, jaw tightening. "You got it, Cap. Won't let any personal shit affect the team."

Truth is, I have no fucking clue how to bridge this gap with Riot. Every attempt blows up in my face, leaving us more on edge. Being around him is like handling live explosives lately.

My eyes stray back to Riot across the bar. His head is tipped back in laughter at something Teo said. The smooth lines of his throat ripple as he swallows his beer. A reckless part of me wants to trace that golden skin with my tongue, discover if he tastes as good as—

"Earth to London!" Tris snaps his fingers in my face. "Where you at, bro?"

I shake myself and plaster on a cocky grin. "My bad, got distracted scoping the talent."

Tris follows my gaze to the group of giggling sorority girls by the pool tables, giving us fuck me eyes. "Can't blame you there. Plenty of hotties to celebrate with tonight."

He waggles his eyebrows suggestively. I force a chuckle, skin crawling at the thought of indulging like I would have just weeks ago. Lately, only one stubborn blond can hold my focus, as much as I fucking hate it.

The evening blurs by in a haze of drinks and rowdy team bonding. But an undercurrent of restlessness simmers in my blood. I keep catching Riot sneaking glances my way when he thinks I'm not paying attention.