Page 30 of Playing Rough

"What the hell are you doing?" I growl at myself, shutting off the now cold spray. Whatever Riot Kensington has awakened in me, I can't let it derail our season, my future,ormy sanity.

After throwing on some clothes, I shoot Knight a text to see if he wants to grab lunch off campus. Being around Riot right now is... complicated. And I’ve discovered Knight's chill presence usually helps clear my headspace.

Twenty minutes later, I slide into the vinyl booth across from my friend in our favorite hole-in-the-wall spot near campus. Knight's easy smile and the scent of greasy burgers immediately put me at ease. We exchange our standard bro-hug before falling into relaxed conversation.

"Been meaning to ask, what are your plans for the holiday break coming up?" I snatch a fry off his plate as I pose the question.

Knight glances away, uncharacteristically hesitant. "Heading home for a bit. Thought it was time to face the music, you know? Try to make patch shit up after everything that went down before I left. Talk some sense into my old man."

I nod slowly, reading the shadows in his eyes. I don’t know what happened in his past, but based on the look in his eye, I’m not gonna pry. He’ll share if he wants to. "That's real as fuck. Making peace is never easy, but I respect you for putting yourself out there."

Knight's mouth quirks. "What about you, big shot? Heading home or you sticking around here?"

The mere thought makes my shoulders tense. "Haven't decided. Things are... complicated with my family right now."

More like my mom’s between jobs because she got laid off again and I don’t wanna burden her with another mouth to feed or make her feel guilty for not being able to do traditional Christmas shit.

Knight studies me with that too-perceptive gaze of his, like he's piecing together parts of me I'd rather stay buried. "You know," he finally says, "maybe you should bring someone with you. Could help smooth things over if you've got moral support, yeah?"

Too bad it’s not that kind of complicated. I love my mom and my younger brother to death, but I don’t want to burden them. Still, Idomiss them…

I snort. "Who, you volunteering as tribute?"

But his expression remains thoughtful. "Why not bring Kensington along?"

I nearly choke on my bite of food. "Come again?"

"Hear me out," Knight says over my coughing. "You two clearly have unresolved shit. Maybe getting away from the pressures here will give you some fresh perspective. A neutral ground to bury the bad blood off the ice."

I stare at him in disbelief even as an instinctive part of me latches onto his logic. "You don't know Riot like I do. He'd never agree to that."

"Maybe not," Knight allows. "But at least extend the offer, right? Get him out of that giant cold-ass mansion. Let him see where you come from. Might help you both move forward, whatever's going on between you two."

I shift in my seat, equal parts intrigued and uneasy at the thought of Riot in my world. But Knight's reasoning lines up, even if it makes my palms sweat.

"Just think on it," he concludes gently. "Worst case, he says no. But you don't know unless you ask."

I nod slowly, thoughts churning as we switch to safer topics like Knight's holiday plans. His unwavering faith that I can mend this inexplicable tie between me and Riot plants a seed of hope. One that swells anxiously in my chest on the walk back to our apartment.

Can we sort through the bullshit if I let him in and we stand on equal footing?

Riot’s already under my skin, so maybe it's time to let him deeper into my world, too.

I find Riot in the kitchen, scrolling through takeout options for dinner. His relaxed posture stiffens when I enter, eyes darting to and away from me. The electric current between us sparks to life the second we’re in the same room together and it’s hard as fuck to ignore it.

Clearing my throat, I lean against the counter opposite him. His Hollowgate Hockey t-shirt hugs his chest and shoulders and I have to tear my eyes away. "So, uh, random question for you."

Riot's sharply arched brow urges me on.

"Any plans for the holiday break coming up?" I force out casually. "I think most guys will be heading home or on vacation."

Riot shrugs one broad shoulder. "Parents are headed to the Swiss Alps to ski. Was just going to crash here, keep up with training."

I latch onto the opening. "Well, if you'd rather not stick around campus alone... you're welcome to come with me. To my family's place, I mean. It's not much, but the company's alright." I try for a teasing grin to downplay the enormity of the offer.

Riot stills, eyes narrowing. "Why would you invite me to your family's house?"

"Mostly so I don't have to face the guilt alone," I admit wryly. "Could be good to get a change of scenery too, yeah? Neutral ground and all."