Page 75 of Dirty Legend

"What about them?" Her eyes narrowed as she studied me and then turned her attention on Maddox, who was trying not to look her in the eye.

"When we went up to get your stuff moved yesterday, we took care of them. They're not going to bother you anymore." I winced. I didn't mean to say it like that.

She turned in my arms. "What do you mean 'took care of them'? Oh, my god. Did you two geniusesmurdersomeone?"

Maddox chuckled darkly, and I glared at him. "No, no. Of course not."

She visibly deflated. "I would have been so pissed you didn't bring me along to help."

I nearly fell off the stool while Maddox burst out laughing. "What?"

She shrugged. "They kind of deserve it."

I kissed the side of her head near her temple. "You're scary when you're pregnant."

"Seconded," Maddox chimed in. So not helpful.

Amara cracked a smile. "Alright, out with it. What'd you guys do?"

"We set them up and called in an anonymous tip to the cops. When the cops showed up, it turned out they were way worse than we even thought. They got arrested, and they're going to jail for a long time." I played with the ends of her hair, running my fingers through the silky strands. I couldn't stop touching her.

Her eyebrows rose. "Wow. I always knew they were super shady. I got a horrible feeling anytime either of them came around, so I tried to keep my distance. Now I'm even more glad I did."

"You're not mad?"

She moved closer to me and rested her palm on my cheek, her honey eyes meeting mine. "How could I be mad? The two of you risked so much to help me. I'm not a big fan of the fact you kept it from me while it was going down, but I'm glad you told me. Thank you." She closed the space between our lips, pressing hers to mine, before pulling back and wrapping Maddox in a hug.

He patted her back a few times before clearing his throat. "Now that that's out of the way, I'm out of here. Later, daddy True."

"See ya." He got up and left the room, leaving Amara and me blissfully alone. I ran my hand through my hair before twisting my nose ring around. She slid onto the stool he'd left empty and studied my face. "What else is there?"

My shoulders slumped. "I have to meet Lexi for lunch today."

Amara looked down at her fingernails, picking at the perfect teal paint. "Oh."

"I know I just got home this morning, and I hate that I have to go do this, but we can do whatever you want tonight. Okay?"

She perked up. "Whatever I want?"

I nodded. I'd give her anything she wanted no matter what it was. I probably wanted to go to lunch with Lexi even less than she wanted me to go, but we'd agreed I'd see this through, so I was determined to not give up.

Amara looked thoughtful. "Walk on the beach followed by foot rub during Nightmare on Elm Street followed by tacos followed by orgasms. In that order."

I laughed. "Sounds like a perfect night." I stood up and kissed the tip of her nose before resting my hand on her belly. I couldn't wait to feel my baby girl move, but I only had a minute before I had to go shower and get ready to get this shit show over with.

"Is she moving?" I asked hopefully.

Amara shook her head. "She was a few minutes ago, but she stopped."

I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her slightly round stomach. "Someday soon, you're going to give your daddy a huge kick, right?"

Amara giggled as I stood up. "You're adorable."

"I know." I waggled my eyebrows at her as I turned to hit the shower. Fuck, this date was going to suck. Every fiber of my being begged me to stay here with Amara today, but I'd already put things in motion, and I had to see them through.

* * *

I pulledmy Jeep up a couple of blocks away and hopped out, locking the door. Like the red carpet, I had to put effort into my appearance for this date with Lexi since we'd be getting photographed. I hated literally everything about it.