Page 72 of Dirty Legend

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Whatever, Easton. Let’s get the fuck out of here once the movers are done. We’ll call Connor’s friend in the morning, but I’m crashing at your place tonight so we can call together in the morning.”

“As long as you don’t mind sleeping with earplugs in.” I grinned because I couldn’t help it. My girl was loud, and I didn’t have any intention of trying to keep her quiet in our home.

He rolled his eyes. “You owe me breakfast.”

“Fine.” As he walked down the hall, I pulled out my phone.

True: Honey, great news.

Amara: ???

True: We got done early, and we’re coming home tonight. Will probably be back around midnight or 1. Don’t wait up, but wanted to let you know.

Amara: Best. News. Ever.

For the first time all day, I felt like I could breathe again. Everything I’d done for us was worth it, she was worth it. The doorbell chimed, and I went to let the movers in. I was willing to pay whatever it took for them to finish this job in the next two hours, even if it meant they had to bring in every guy they had to get it done. I was done being here, done with this part of our lives. It was time we started a new chapter.

Despite the fact Maddox and I got home around one in the morning, and I hadn't gotten enough sleep, I woke up with a smile on my face. I didn't know just yet whether or not our plan to deal with Kent and Miles had succeeded, but in my gut, I felt like everything was going to be okay. That things could start to get back to normal, maybe even better than normal now that those two idiots wouldn't be interfering.

I carefully untangled myself from the death grip Amara had on me, trying to move slowly so I wouldn't wake her up. The way she clung to me in her sleep always made my heart feel full and warm. I stood up and paused, taking a minute to watch her sleep. I needed to make breakfast, and Mad and I had a call to make, so I reluctantly turned and walked to the kitchen after grabbing my phone off of my nightstand. Hopefully, after that, we could put this whole thing behind us.

As I was pulling bowls out of the cupboard, my phone vibrated on the counter behind me. I picked it up, clicking into my text messages.

Harrison: Lunch date with Lexi 1 p.m. @ Spago. Don't be late.

Fuck, that was the last thing I wanted to do today, or ever.

True: K.

There were so many other responses I wanted to send him, but none of them would help me feel better about the situation. Maddox strolled into the room, looking like he'd just woken up as my mind was wandering back to the horrible night of the premiere.

"Morning," he said through a yawn, sliding onto one of the stools at the island. "How do you survive without coffee?"

I shrugged. "I've gotten used to it. It's easy when I know it'll make her sick. I wouldn't do anything on purpose that could make her feel bad."

He raised his eyebrow. "And yet you're doing this whole fake relationship thing, so well done."

"We talked it out, and I don't think she feels bad. Obviously, she doesn't like it, and neither do I, but it's just for a little while." I didn't know if I was trying to convince him or me. I reached for the flour, setting it down next to the bowl.

"What-the-fuck-ever. This shit is gonna blow up in your face. Speaking of, how was your movie date the other night? I didn't get to ask with all the other shit we've had going on." His dark eyes glinted knowingly. Fucker had probably seen all the red carpet pictures and headlines of Lexi acting as basically a second skin. She'd plastered herself to me and refused to let go all damn night. I doubt I could've slid a piece of paper between the two of us, there was so little space. She hadn't even taken a bathroom break.

When I got home, I had to shower and scrub my skin to get the overly sweet smell of her perfume off of me before I crawled in bed with Amara. It was twisted in the worst way, and I felt like the world's shittiest boyfriend. It felt like I was cheating, except Amara knew about it. Needless to say, I wasnotlooking forward to lunch with her today.

"I'm sure you saw the pictures." Irritation filled my voice as I tried to focus on measuring ingredients into the bowl.

He nodded. "Yeah, she's fucking eager."

I snorted. "That's one word for it."

"She knows this whole thing is fake, right? Like Harrison made it clear to her? Because the look she had on her face in those pictures seemed like she didn't get the message." He stood up and walked around to the fridge, pulling out the orange juice.

"He and I have both made it extremely clear to her. If she catches feelings, that's on her, but it's most definitely not reciprocated." I cracked an egg and cursed as a piece of shell fell into the batter.

"This isn't going to turn into a Zen type of situation, is it?" I shuddered, thinking back to Chloe the psycho from last year.

"No, I don't get the impression that Lexi's nuts. Spoiled and out of touch with real life? For sure. Crazy, though? I don't think so."

He nodded, gulping his juice as he slid back onto the stool. When he finished, he swiped his hand across his mouth. "Are you ready to call Connor?"