Page 68 of Dirty Legend

A couple of hours later,I yawned, stretching my arms overhead. It’d been a long day. Amazing, but long. I was getting sleepy. My phone buzzed on the table next to me, and I picked it up to find a text from my boss.

Steven Penn: Just heard about your situation. Your contract has been terminated as of today.

My heart rate picked up. What was happening right now? Mysituation? What the fuck did that even mean?

Amara: What situation?

Steven Penn: Your pregnancy without a spouse. Your morality clause has been violated.

What was this, the 1950s? True must have noticed my distress because he came over and sat down next to me, placing his hand on my thigh, rubbing small circles with his thumb.

Amara: Can we talk about this when I get back to work on Monday?

Steven Penn: No, my decision is final. Come in Monday to collect your things. Sorry it had to end this way.

Tears stung behind my eyelids as I tried desperately not to let them fall. Not here with everyone around us.

Amara: Can I ask what brought this to your attention?

Steven Penn: That’s confidential, but some of your co-workers had concerns.

Fuck, I basically just got dumped via text message by my boss. I’d worked there for three years and hadn’t even meant enough to them to have an in-person meeting to discuss this. And what did he mean by my co-workers? There were only two assholes I knew on my team who would do this. Kent and fucking Miles. My disbelief was quickly being replaced by white-hot rage.

I set my phone down with a shaky hand. “What’s wrong?” I looked up into True’s concerned eyes.

“Fucking Kent and Miles. They didn’t get what they wanted from me, so I guess they got tired of waiting and decided to tell my boss I was pregnant.” I clenched my hands into fists. “Apparently, I have a morality clause in my contract, and because I’m pregnant and not married, my boss just fired me over text.” I’d been able to hide my bump from my boss up until this point since he was rarely in the office. But Kent had noticed weeks ago.

True sharply inhaled, the concern in his eyes quickly hardened into something closer to fury. “You got fired? Because of those assholes?”

“Technically, it’s because you knocked me up.” I tried to smile and failed. “But yeah, he didn’t come right out and say it, but it looks like it was the two of them.”

“I’m so fucking sorry, honey. I know how important your career is to you.” He wrapped his arms around me, and I just took a minute to breathe. Honestly, I hadn’t been happy at my job for a long time. I liked the work I did, but the whole Kent and Miles harassment situation had been stressing me out for months. Maybe this could be a good thing.

I sat up straighter. “It’s going to be okay. The universe gives us signs, right?”

True nodded slowly. “I guess, yeah.”

“This is my sign. I’m done with Washington, done with writing code and engineering other people’s projects. I have plenty of money saved up. I’m staying here, and I’m going to build GRLFRND.”

True’s whole face lit up. “You’re staying? For real?”

I nodded, laughing at his excitement. “Yes! It kills me when I’m away from you. And not only you but Kennedy and Montana and all of our extended family.” I was feeling better and better about this by the second. It just feltright.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. But I’ll have to go back this week and pack.”

He shook his head. “Fuck that. I’ll hire movers to go in and pack up for you, and we’ll ship everything. There’s nothing left for you there, so just stay here and let me handle it. Little P doesn’t need extra stress.”

God, this man was everything. I was so fucking lucky to have him.

“I’m going to go tell Ken and Montana the news.” I leaned over and kissed him before standing up and walking toward my girls. I glanced back once and saw True motioning for Maddox with a scowl on his face, but when he saw me looking, it quickly morphed into an easy smile. I wasn’t that concerned about it, though. I knew True, and I trusted him. If he was keeping something from me, he’d tell me when he was ready.

Today was about change and celebrating that change with the people we loved, and I wouldn’t let Kent or Miles take that away.

Saturday night, I’d been seething. When Amara told me that those asshats she worked with got her fired, I barely contained my fury enough to comfort her. But my girl was brave and strong and handled the change like the queen she is.

But Maddox and I? We’d had a conversation after that about what had to happen next. We’d be taking the jet up to Washington today to pay a little visit to the two guys who’d done nothing but make life harder for my girl. And that was just fucking unacceptable to me.