Page 66 of Dirty Legend

“Oh, like what you did to me before Kennedy showed up was fair?” I countered.

He growled in frustration as I grabbed Kennedy. “Ready?”

She laughed and shook her head. “You two are so perfect. I love it.”

“Are we picking up Montana?” I changed the subject because if I didn’t, I’d just cancel the day and climb back in bed with True.

“No, she’s meeting us there. Prepare to be pampered.” She grinned as we walked out the door. I hadn’t realized how much I needed this until just now.

* * *

After an entire morningof spa treatments and shopping for a cute outfit for the party this afternoon, we were finally on our way to True’s parent’s house. There was a navy blue, rose gold, and sparkly gold balloon archway leading to the front door that caught my eye as we parked on the street in front of the house. True’s mom, Kennedy, and Montana had done all the planning on this party with the party planner, so I had no idea what to expect.

All I knew was True and I had to wear white. He was in distressed white jeans and a t-shirt, and I was in a stretchy white dress. When we stepped through the front door, it sounded like everyone was already there but in the backyard. The sounds of laughter carried through the house, and we followed them outside.

There were tables set up with food and drinks, and everyone wore white. All our friends were here plus True’s mom, dad, and brother since football season was over. I was surprised when I didn’t even feel a pang of sadness that my own parents weren’t here to celebrate with us. They’d spent my entire life telling me how I was living the wrong way. This moment, this journey we were on was a happy one, and I was glad their judgment and disapproval wouldn’t be anywhere near it.

Kennedy noticed us first and came over, wrapping her arms around us both, followed by Montana. Even Harrison was here, although Zen was pissed at him, and True wasn’t his biggest fan right now either. He was still part of our extended family and deserved to celebrate with us.

Kennedy let us go and stepped back. “You look so cute, Am. Loving the bump.” She reached down and rubbed my belly, and I laughed. Rebecca noticed us and came over, hugging me first, then True.

He smirked. “I see how it is. I guess I’m not the favorite anymore.”

She smacked him lightly on the chest. “I don’t play favorites, I love my sons equally.” She winked at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, and I laughed.

Montana grabbed my hand and pulled us over to one of the tables. There were two bowls of Mardi Gras-like beads, one navy blue, one rose gold. “Everyone has to pick what they think the baby’s going to be and wear the beads they choose. Then we can make fun of everyone who guessed wrong when you reveal.” She laughed, shaking her shoulders and the pink beads around her neck jingled.

I grabbed a navy set and pulled them over my head while True picked up pink. He grinned, leaning down to kiss me. “You know she’s a girl. Finally, today you’ll see I’ve been right all along.”

I rolled my eyes. “What will you give me if you’re wrong?”

“Foot rub?”

I practically moaned out loud. “That’ll work.” He smirked because he knew I was a total sucker for foot rubs, and I knew he’d give me one even if I lost.

Maddox made his way over to us, and I took note of the pink beads wrapped around his wrist. “You, too, Mad? Am I the only one here who thinks this baby’s a boy?”

He shrugged, adjusting the beads. “Sorry, mama. I’m with T on this one.”

“Ugh. Where’s Jericho? I bet he’d be on my side.” I scanned the groups of people in casual conversation but didn’t see him.

“He had some sort of gaming convention or something going on. He’ll be here, but he’s running late.” Maddox glanced at True. “Want to get something to drink?”

True nodded, bending down and kissing me gently. “Yeah, let’s go.”

I watched him go before turning back to my girls. “Well done, ladies. This place looks amazing. And I’m starving.”

Montana laughed. “Food’s over there, preggo.” She pointed across the patio, and I started walking that way. She reached out to stop me, and I looked down at her hand and then back up at her face before she quickly pulled her hand back. “Sorry, greeting your guests can apparently wait.”

“Don’t you know you never get in between a pregnant woman and the food?” A deep voice washed over us, and I glanced up into Hale’s crystal blue eyes. I’d never met him face to face, but I’d seen pictures and seen him on TV enough to know who he was.

“See? He gets it.” I glared at Montana.

He chuckled and held out his hand. I slid my fingers into his grasp, and he shook gently. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Hale, the better, younger brother.”

I laughed. “Amara, nice to meet you.”

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, and a familiar scent washed over me. “Hey, honey. This guy bothering you?” I heard the laughter in his voice.