Page 33 of Dirty Legend

I tugged on his wrist until he laid down next to me, and I rested my cheek back on his chest. I wanted just a few more minutes here in our little bubble before I had to pop it and return to the real world with all of its unknowns and problems.

True followed me to the kitchen with my tote bag slung over his shoulder. I'd packed light for this trip since Kennedy kept my room stocked with clothes and all my favorite bathroom stuff. Despite my light load, he'd insisted on carrying it for me. It was sweet in an overprotective sort of way.

I wrinkled my nose at the sight of Zen and Kennedy dry humping each other in the kitchen. True cleared his throat as we stood there awkwardly looking everywhere but at them. This scene was tame compared to other times I'd walked in on them. They couldn't keep their hands off of each other, and I couldn't exactly complain if I was in their house.

Honestly, it made me a little jealous. I glanced sideways at True, who was busy looking up at the ceiling. If this was us in our house, would we be all over each other like they were? If this morning's performance was any indication, I'd like to think we would.

Kennedy finally noticed us and stepped back, her face flushed and hair messy. "Um, sorry about that."

Zen stepped behind her, probably trying to hide his hard-on from us. He dropped a kiss on her neck, and she giggled. "No, we aren't," he grumbled.

I moved toward the island, and True stayed behind me using me as a human shield, so he didn't have to look at the two of them practically getting it on. We all turned our heads toward the entryway when the front door slammed open. True stepped close behind me until his tall, sculpted body pressed against mine, the heat of his skin seeping through my clothes and making me needy all over again.

"Hey, bitches!" Montana's voice rang through the house before she stepped into the room. True's hand moved around my waist until he held my stomach under his palm. I didn't even know if he realized he did it, but the move made me feel all warm and squishy inside.

Kennedy squealed and peeled herself away from Zen before hugging Montana. The two of them had become great friends, and I loved Montana, too. Before Zen brought Kennedy into her life, I don't think Montana ever really had girlfriends. She didn't talk about her past much, but from what I could tell, it hadn't been a happy one.

Now she was the badass super agent for the guys of Shadow Phoenix and mine and Kennedy's new best friend. We were quite a trio whenever we got together, which wasn't as often as I'd like. When I couldn't be at their girl's nights, they'd video chat with me, but it wasn't even close to the same. I missed my girls whenever I was home.

With Kennedy's arm still wrapped around her neck, Montana turned to me. She had an enormous grin on her face, letting her eyes wander up and down, making me squirm a little under her intense scrutiny.

"Holy fuck, the rumors are true, aren't they?" She whisper-yelled.

"Uhh… what rumors?" I decided to play dumb.

She rolled her eyes as if to sayyou really want to play it this way?She gestured to True's hand splayed across my stomach and raised her eyebrow.

My shoulders slumped, and I sighed. I wasawfulat hiding stuff, and clearly, the guys weren't great at keeping secrets either. I hadn't even said anything before Montana knew. Hopefully, it was just because she was one of my best friends and not because I was so obvious. I didn't want the news about little P getting out publicly.

I lifted my head and made eye contact with True, who just smirked and shrugged.Men.So unhelpful. I blew out a breath. "Fine, yes. Yes, the rumors are true."

Montana jumped up and down, clapping before beelining it for me. I could tell she was going to tackle me, but True held his arm out and stopped her. "I don't think tackling Amara's good for the baby." He gave her a stern look as if she should know better.

She glared at him as she stepped around his arm and took me in the weakest hug I've ever felt. I tried not to laugh as I realized her arms were barely touching me anywhere. God, I loved her sarcasm.

Kennedy clapped her hands together. "Are you ladies ready? I'm starving, and it's been way too long since I've had quality girl time."

I nodded and spun until my chest was pressed against True's solid body. My chin only hit at about pec-level, so I had a great view of all the delicious muscles and ridges. I resisted the urge to pull the neck of his shirt down and lick him, but I did try and sneak a sniff in. I was fairly sure he noticed based on the amused rumble that came from his chest.

I lifted myself up on the balls of my feet until my lips met his, pressing a sweet and too-short kiss to his pillowy lips. We said our goodbyes up in the room already, but fuck, I wanted him to throw me down on the island and make me scream his name again like he had earlier this morning. I didn't even care that our friends were in the room.

Instead, I grabbed my bag from him and turned to follow my girls outside. Just before I got outside, I looked back and blew him a kiss before walking out the front door. Tears stung my eyes right away, and not for the first time this week, I wondered what the fuck I was trying to prove by getting distance. Distance sucked.

* * *

Mexican seemed like a safe bet,so we chose a little cafe halfway to the airport. Lifting our mock-aritas, we clinked them together before swallowing a mouthful of sweet-tart slush.

"You two don't have to drink mocktails on my account. You can go for the real thing." It was super flattering that they'd gone alcohol-free for me, though.

Kennedy scoffed. "We're not dickbags. If you can't drink, we won't either. It's like a new group rule." I snort-laughed. Kennedy's colorful insults were one of my favorite things about her. You never expected the shit that came out of her mouth. She looked like the most innocent person in the world, and then suddenly she'd be yelling out, "taint-whore!" or some other equally terrible combination of words and your jaw would hit the floor.

I lifted my drink and took another sip. "A new group rule? Does that mean that if there are future pregnancies for other members of this group, we'll stick to the no-alcohol rule?"

Kennedy shifted in her seat. "I think that's a reasonable assumption."

Montana slammed her hand down on the table and then pointed at Kennedy. "I fucking knew it. You're knocked up, too, aren't you?"

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "No, I'm not. But if Zen gets his way, it'll happen soon."