Page 28 of Dirty Legend

I shrugged. "It really wasn't hard. Montana helped." I reached for a handful of popcorn. "I thought it'd be fun to see them on the big screen."

She nodded, grabbing her own handful. "What are we seeing first?"

"A Nightmare on Elm Street."

"Oooh, good choice. A classic and my most favorite eighties horror movie."

I smirked. "I know."

"And the second movie?"


"Yes!" She pumped her popcorn-filled fist in the air and a couple kernels went flying. "Don'tgo into the light!" She yelled and cracked up laughing. Her excitement was infectious, and I leaned over and pressed my lips against hers.

"Want to sit here?" I asked, patting my knee.

She shook her head. "Not yet. Once I'm done with the popcorn, though, you're all mine."

"I'm not going anywhere." I meant it in more ways than one. The lights dimmed, and the movie started, and there wasn't anywhere in the world I'd rather be.

* * *

When we left the theater,I texted Zen to let him know we were on our way back. On the drive, Amara fell asleep. I'd been surprised she made it through both movies, but making out with her helped keep her awake. Somehow I managed to keep my dick in my pants, but it hadn't been easy.

It was almost midnight, and lately, Amara had been so exhausted staying up past ten was a struggle.

I parked in the driveway and got out of the car before carrying her inside and up to her room. I laid her on the bed and pulled off my t-shirt. I took off her shirt and unhooked her bra, sliding it down her arms. She needed sleep more than she needed my cock right now, but it hadn't gotten the memo and twitched at the sight of her perky tits.

I unbuttoned her shorts and slid them down her legs. Her eyes were closed, and she breathed evenly, so I took a second to take her in. Fuck, her smooth tan skin and soft curves made me hungry to devour her. I could live inside Amara, and it would still never be enough.

Instead, I slid my still-warm t-shirt over her head. She breathed in deep as if she were sniffing my shirt. "Mmm."

I pulled my jeans off and tugged back the blanket. I lifted Amara in my arms and slid her across the bed, where I climbed in behind her and pulled the blanket over us. I reached back and clicked off the lamp.

She turned toward me and put her hand on my chest. "I hope you don't mind, but I'm staying with you tonight."

She sighed. "Stay."

I tightened my arms around her. "I'm not going anywhere." She buried her face in my chest and drifted off. I laid awake, trying to figure out how I was going to get through this week.

Missing Amara was going to suck.

My clammy forehead rested on the cold toilet seat as I heaved up the nothingness of my stomach. Again. This morning sickness crap had me questioning everything. Why did I need to throw up every day to bring a baby into the world? Wasn't my changing body, near-comatose levels of exhaustion, and tears triggered by literally anything sacrifice enough?

Because I hated throwing up more than anything.

Yet here I was, morning after morning tossing my cookies. Don't get me wrong, True had been a saint this week. He had to have been sent from some divine power with a cold washcloth, hair tie, and his magic smell to get me through this hell.

Gagging again, I wondered for the hundredth time this weekend how I could possibly get through the upcoming week without him. The idea made me nauseous all over again.

I groaned and leaned back on my heels before reaching up and flushing. "I feel like death."

True rubbed circles on my back and handed me a fresh washcloth soaked with cold water. "I know, honey. You sorta look like it, too."

I attempted a smile and failed. "You don't get to say that when you look like that." I eyed him over my shoulder before crawling to the wall and leaning back against it.

"Sorry, I guess it's a bad time to make a joke." He slid down the wall next to me, and I laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head. "You know I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, even more so now."