Page 25 of Dirty Legend

"What are you two up to tonight?" She bounced on the balls of her feet, something I knew she did when she got excited.

I gave Amara the side-eye. "It's a surprise. Don't think I don't know what you're doing, but I'm not telling. We'll be back late."

Kennedy deflated. "Fine, you're such a shitgibbon."

Amara's body shook with laughter tucked underneath my arm, and I couldn't help but laugh, too. "What the fuck is a shitgibbon?"

Kennedy bit her lip. "A new insult I'm trying out. What'd you think?"

"Needs work."

"Yeah, it didn't feel good coming out."

Amara wiped her eyes. "Thanks, Ken. I needed that."

Kennedy grinned and winked, or at least I think that's what she tried to do. Both eyes closed. "I've got you."

Amara dissolved into laughter again and leaned her weight against me. "We need to go before you wear her out," I said, turning us toward the door. I called over my shoulder, "Have fun with the house to yourself tonight."

Zen's voice carried across the room as he walked in. "About fucking time. Text on your way home so you don't walk in on anything."

I shuddered. I'd seen Zen fuck more women than I cared to think about, but Kennedy was his wife. It was totally different and private and I wanted no part of it. "Will do. Later."

We moved out of the front door, and I helped Amara into my Jeep.

I climbed in and started the engine. "Put on whatever you want to listen to."

Amara leaned over and tapped the console screen a few times before bass shook the seats.

"I love this song!" Amara proceeded to rap along with every single lyric, not missing once.

I raised my eyebrow. "I had no idea you were into nineties West Coast rap."

"I'm obsessed!" She was a little breathless, and her eyes sparkled as the next song came on.

I reached over and squeezed her thigh, resting my hand on her bare leg below the hem of her denim shorts. I moved my thumb in small circles over her silky skin and fought off yet another hard-on. My dick didn't want to stay down around Amara. She was like a little blue pill to my dick at all times.

She grinned, hitting every lyric of song after song the entire drive to the restaurant. Watching her let loose and rap like a pro as her hair blew around her had my blood coursing south. My balls ached, and my body was on fire with need. If Amara tried to get me to give in tonight, I didn't think I'd have it in me to say no.

Parking, we climbed down and walked into the restaurant. I had to be careful where we went. Amara wasn't ready to go public with our relationship yet, and while I wasn't quite as well known as Zen yet, I still got recognized a lot. I'd had to outrun and hide from my share of paparazzi.

Thankfully, this place was a little hole in the wall with private booths. We slid into one in the back, and I scanned the menu. They served waffles exclusively here. Sweet, savory, and in between, there were flavors I'd never heard of.

"Does this place do it for you?" I looked across the table at Amara who's eyes were wide as she read the menu.

She nodded. "This place is gonna give me a foodgasm. I can already tell."

"A foodgasm?"

"Yeah, when the food is so good, it basically gives you an orgasm."

Smirking, I lowered my voice. "When I get to fuck you again, I promise no food will compare."

She shifted in her seat. "I don't know, waffles are pretty damn good." She laughed. "Is it bad I want every single thing?"

I laughed. "It's a good sign you want to eat. Get as much as you want. We have about an hour until we have to be at the next place."

She slid the menu to the end of the table. "I'm getting the salted caramel banana, and prosciutto, mascarpone, and green onion."