Page 22 of Dirty Legend

"Great, follow me down the hall, and we'll do a quick ultrasound." The doctor stood from her chair, swiping her tablet off the desk and hurrying out of the room. Amara stood up, and I followed her, trying not to focus too hard on how amazing her ass looked in the dark skinny jeans that hugged her curves just right as she walked in front of me.

In the exam room, Dr. Allwin handed Amara a hospital-style gown. "I'll give you a couple of minutes to change." She left the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Do you want me to wait outside, too?" I asked.

Amara had her shirt already halfway off before giving me the side-eye. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked before. That's how we got in this situation to begin with."

I chuckled. "Sure, but I didn't want to assume it'd be okay to stay."

She pulled off her shirt and folded it, placing it on the chair next to the examination table. I swallowed hard, trying, and failing, to keep my eyes on her face. I tried not to let my gaze wander to the beautiful perky tits spilling over the lacy cups of her bra.

Amara unbuttoned her jeans and began wiggling her body, sliding them down the curves of her hips. A lightning bolt of need shot straight to my dick. I cleared my throat and turned around.

"What's wrong? Is my body gross now or something? I know my boobs are bigger, but I don't think much else has changed yet." Amara's quiet voice deflated my over-eager cock.

"What? You can't be fucking serious." I turned around, closing the distance between us. I put my hand on the side of her neck, getting lost in the depths of her golden gaze. "Amara, no. The reason I turned around is because your body is incredible. My dick got so hard I thought it might punch through my jeans. I was trying to be respectful of the fact we're about to see our baby when all I wanted to do was bend you over this table," I slapped the exam table next to me. "And fuck you until you screamed my name."

Her eyes dilated, the warm brown of her iris getting lost in the expanding pupil. Under my palm, her pulse quickened. Her eyes closed halfway, and she pushed up on her toes. Her lips parted, and our breath mingled. I knew if I kissed her, I wouldn't be able to stop. I wanted her too damn bad.

Reaching over, I grabbed the gown and gently pressed it into her hand, the hand she currently had resting against my chest. I stepped back as disappointment washed over her face.

I blew out a breath, willing my dick to go down. "I'm sorry, I'm really trying to be good."

She wrapped herself in the gown and climbed up on the table, glaring at me. "Maybe I don'twantyou to be good. Maybe I'm sick of being sogoodall the time."

Lowering myself into the chair next to her, I rested my elbows on my knees. "If you still feel like that when we're done here, I'll give you what you need. I swear. But up until now, you haven't wanted much to do with me, and I don't want to be a mistake. When you finally give in to what's between us, it'll be forever. I'm not in this for a quick fling or casual. We made ababytogether. And before that? I've been crazy about you since the moment I met you, Amara. So, I'm sorry you're frustrated. But, until you're ready to be with me, my dick is off-limits." She huffed and crossed her arms. "I waited for months for the chance to be with you. I can be patient. Can you?"

She crossed her legs, too, and I tried not to laugh at how sexy she was even pissed off at me.

A swift knock on the door interrupted our stare down, and Dr. Allwin stepped into the room, grabbing some latex gloves and shoving her hands inside. Then she clicked on the screen sitting on the other side of the exam table.

"Today we're going to do an internal ultrasound. I'm assuming you're familiar with this procedure from your earlier appointment?" Dr. Allwin asked Amara.

She nodded.

"Okay, so lay back and feet in the stirrups." The paper on the table crinkled as Amara laid back. I stood up, taking her hand in mine and weaving our fingers together. She smiled up at me and thank fuck for that. I didn't want to go through this experience with her pissed off at me, but I'd meant what I'd said.

Also, those stirrups were fucking terrifying. They looked like some sort of medieval torture device. I shuddered internally.

Dr. Allwin wheeled the ultrasound machine closer to her side, moving to take the stool between Amara's legs. She held up a wand-looking device. "I'm just going to insert this, and we'll hopefully get to see your little one."

I tried not to focus on the fact that she was about to stick thatinsideAmara. Instead, I rubbed my thumb along the back of her hand, trying to soothe us both. My nerves were frayed. What if something was wrong with the baby? I'd been reading on the internet. I knew tons of stuff could go wrong this early on. My heart pounded against my chest, and my stomach churned.

I looked down to find Amara watching me. "Everything's going to be okay. I threw up this morning, remember? That's a good sign."

I exhaled. "Good point, okay." I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm sorry you had to go through this alone the first time. I should have been there with you."

She shook her head. "You didn't know. You're here now."

Fuck, yes, I was, and I wasn't going anywhere.

The screen flickered to life, and grey and white shapes moved around the black background of the screen. "Almost… there…" Dr. Allwin bit her lip and her brow furrowed before her face split into a wide grin. "There! There's your baby. A perfect little eight-week-old peanut." She pointed at an oval-shaped black space with a small white tiny blob in one corner.

I'd never loved a blob more.

Tears pricked at my eyes, and I swallowed hard. I glanced down at Amara, who was staring at the screen in wonder, her eyes shining, too.

"And this," A soft, rhythmic pulsing sound poured out of the machine. "This is your baby's heartbeat." I closed my eyes, letting the sound wash over me as a tear broke free and slid down my cheek.