Page 13 of Dirty Legend

I rolled my eyes. "That so-called glow I've got is cold sweat from puking my brains out, True."

He chuckled. "Still looks hot."

I couldn't help the smile sneaking across my face. "Okay, but maybe grab two bags just in case."

He grinned. "Wear a swimsuit."

Shit, what had I just agreed to?

* * *

It must have beena miracle because we made it all the way to the beach without me tossing my cookies again. The wind whipping around me in the open air of True's Jeep was refreshing and kept me from smelling any one thing long enough for it to set me off.

When we got to the beach, the briny air was relaxing, and I breathed in deep. It was early, the sun had risen less than an hour ago. True was in board shorts and a tank top, his blonde hair messy like he'd just gotten out of bed. His black Wayfarer's covered his eyes as he grinned at me before stripping off his shirt.

My mouth went dry, and my gaze immediately dropped to his toned chest and followed down to the hard ridges of his abs before snapping back up to his face where he wore a knowing smile. Was I drooling? Shit.

I blinked a couple of times, trying to regain my composure. Just the sight of True half-naked was apparently enough to spark my libido into overdrive. I clenched my thighs together, trying to create friction where I was suddenly desperate for it.

True walked around the car and stood in front of me, his head cocked slightly to the side before he ran his hand slowly down my arm. I shivered as his fingers left a trail of electric sparks in their wake. The grin on his face slipped off. "What do you need right now, honey?" he asked, his voice low and gravelly.

He stepped forward until there was no room between our bodies, running his hand from my jaw down my neck, and I shivered again. "I don't-"

"I've got you," he said. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to my neck, licking from the place below my ear to my collarbone, sucking on the sensitive skin gently. Then he pressed his lips to mine before plunging his tongue deep into my mouth. I'd been trying to fight my attraction to him for months, and with this kiss, I was fucking done.

While the kiss was ruining me, somewhere in the back of my mind, I remembered we were in public and managed to pull away. I was panting like I'd run a marathon, and I was so achy for him to be inside me I wasn't sure how I was still standing.

"I'm sorry about that," I said, taking a step back to put a little distance between us.

He stepped forward and grabbed my hand, placing my palm against his chest. "Amara, it's okay to give in. I can give you what you need."

"I know, but we're in public, True. I had to hold myself back from you, and that was before the pregnancy hormones kicked in. Now you're like the best meal ever, and the best orgasm ever rolled into one amazing package, and if I give in now, I'll never want to do anything else. Anything. We'll never leave the house. So, for now, let's just surf, okay? I'm barely holding it together as it is."

He flashed me those damn dimples. He knew what he was doing, and he wasn't going to go easy on me. "What's wrong with never leaving the house? I could spend the next eight months balls deep in you if that's what you need. Just say the word."

I giggled. "I dragged myself all the way out here, T. I demand my surfing lesson first at least, maybe even dinner since I can't eat breakfast or lunch. Surfing and a meal are my terms. Then we'll talk."

I winked at him before stripping off my clothes and walking along the sand to the water, swaying my hips a little more than usual the whole way. His gaze burned into my back, and my skin tingled. I lowered myself onto the warm sand and looked back, watching True's muscular form while he carried our surfboards toward me. I was in so much trouble.

My phone vibrated in my tote bag, and I pulled it out, momentarily distracted from my sexual frustration. Looking down at the screen, I groaned. "Hi, mom."

"Hello, Amara. How are you?"

I was not a good liar, but it was time to bust out whatever acting skills I had. "Good, just been busy. How's dad?"

"Oh, he's fine. He's been out golfing more, trying to get pick up the game before he retires. It's been good for him to get out of the office. Dr. Olson's been on leave, so he's had to take on more patients than normal."

This was good. I could keep her talking about my dad's practice. "Oh, yeah? What's the matter with Dr. Olson?"

"Who knows? That man will find any excuse to get out of work." She huffed out a breath. "Anyway, I wanted to see if you could come to dinner this weekend? We haven't seen you in a while. I feel like I don't know what's been happening in your life."

I closed my eyes to steady myself. "I can't. I'm in LA visiting Kennedy right now."

"Oh? Is everything okay?" My mom had a sixth sense for sniffing out shit she didn't approve of. I needed to get her off the phone and quick. "It's fine, I just needed a break. That new app we're working on has been stressing me out, and I wanted to get away for a few days."

My mom clicked her tongue. "If you'd just followed your father's footsteps, you'd be on your way to taking over his practice already and wouldn't have to bother with that computer nonsense."

Ah, well, at least we were back to the familiar territory of her reminding me she didn't approve of my life choices. "I love my job, mom. I'm happy with things the way they are. I just missed my friend."