Page 85 of Dirty Legend

Lexi fucking published it. Of course she did. All that mattered to her was getting what she wanted and what she wanted was me, no matter the cost.

True: FML

Maddox: Drink?

True: Be there in 10

I could only hope Amara was asleep and wouldn't see that shit until I had a chance to explain it to her. For now, I needed my best friend. Hopefully shit wouldn't look so bleak in the morning.

I rolled over, stretching my hand across the cold bed next to me. Waking up without True next to me wasn’t exactly unusual. He was a super early riser to go surfing most mornings, but he was always home by the time I woke up, and usually, the smell of breakfast was what brought me out of my slumber.

Not this morning, though. I sat up, grabbing my phone off the nightstand. Glancing at the screen, I didn’t have anything from True, but Kennedy had sent me a bunch of texts.

Kennedy: Am. I’m serious. DO NOT LOOK AT THE INTERNET.

Kennedy: I’ll be there in 15

Kennedy: I’m begging you to listen to me

Uneasiness crept down my spine and settled in the pit of my stomach. That couldn’t be good. And where the hell was True? I rechecked my messages, and Kennedy had sent that message ten minutes ago. I swung my legs out of bed and went into the bathroom to get ready.

As soon as I’d brushed my teeth, there was a knock on the front door. “Coming!” I called out as I shuffled across the condo.

Swinging the front door open, Kennedy breezed past me. “You got my messages, right? You didn’t look?”

“No, I woke up like five minutes ago.” I yawned and stretched my hands over my head.

She grinned. “Yeah, I can see that.”

“Hey, have you heard from True? I don’t know where he is this morning, and he’s never just not home.”

Kennedy grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room, sitting on the couch and forcing me to sit, too. Kennedy picked at the non-existent lint on her shirt and avoided meeting my eyes. “He didn’t come home last night, Am.”

“What? Why wouldn’t he at least message me?” I hated how shaky my voice sounded.

“I think he’s embarrassed. He crashed at Mad’s.” She started twisting her giant wedding rings around on her finger.

“Okay, but why? What does he have to be embarrassed about?”

She sighed. “Look, I don’t know all the details, and I think he should probably explain. Zen headed over to Mad’s this morning, and they’re gonna handle True. I thought in the meantime, a distraction was much needed. I thought we could go hang out with Rebecca for a while. Maybe do some shopping for little P?”

I reached for my phone, and Kennedy eyed me. “What are you doing?”

Clicking into the browser, I navigated to CNT and gasped. “What the fuck?”

Kennedy reached for my phone and snatched it out of my hand. “Fuck, Amara. Itoldyou not to look.”

My chest was tight, and my heart fluttered as tears stung my eyes. My breaths were coming fast and shallow, and I knew I needed to calm down, but it was really fucking hard. I didn’t actually click into the video, but I saw enough.

I also knew True wouldneverdo that to me. Not in a million years.

I thought back to all the times he’d told me what I meant to him, the look of pure joy on his face when I told him he was going to be a dad, the way he loved our little girl already even though she wasn’t even here yet. There was no way.

I also knew Lexi was manipulative as fuck.

More than anything, I wished he’d come home and talked to me about this, and I didn’t have to be distracted away from the fact that he wasn’t here.

“Calm down, Amara. Breathe with me. It’s not good for you or the baby to be so stressed out.” Kennedy slid closer to me and rubbed my back, but she wasn’t what I wanted right now. I wanted True. I missed him.