Page 63 of Dirty Legend

I said goodbye to Gray and paddled back to shore, my mind racing. I knew we hadn't been careless, and it scared the shit out of me to think that one of our close friends may have done this. I couldn't believe that, though. I chastised myself as I climbed into my Jeep and started the drive home. No way would any of them betray us. It had to be someone else. An hour later, I got my answer.

Harrison: It was someone named Kent Armstead. Ring any bells?

True: Unfortunately, yes. Thanks, H.

Harrison: Remember if you murder someone to let me know first so I can spin it favorably.

True: I'll let you know.

That motherfucker. This past week Amara had gone to HR about those guys, and this was how they wanted to play? Dirty with my girl's life? Oh, fuck no. I pulled out my phone and dialed the one person I knew would help me take care of this, no questions asked.

"Hey." Maddox's gravelly voice picked up after two rings.

"Remember what we talked about over breakfast?" I gritted the words out between clenched teeth.

"Yep. Do I need to take the next steps?" He sounded calm but also dangerous in a way that sometimes made a shiver run down my spine because I wondered what he was actually capable of. I was glad he was on my side.

"Yeah, we do."

"We? I thought I told you to stay away from this."

I growled, frustrated at this entire day. "This is my girlfriend and my baby these assholes are messing with. No fucking way am I laying low and just letting you handle this. I need to do something. I'm not some weak asshole."

He sighed. "I know you're not weak. That's not why I wanted you to stay away. You're good. Too good for this shit. I didn't want you to have to be tainted by the dark."

"I can handle it, Mad. Are you coming Saturday?"

I heard his low chuckle but barely. "Yeah, wouldn't miss it."

"Let's talk then about what we're going to do to make those motherfuckers pay and get them to stay the fuck away from my family."

"You got it. And True?"


"Theyaregoing to pay. Don't worry."

I twisted my nose ring. "I know, Mad."

We hung up, and I made my way upstairs to shower while I tried to forget about how horrible this day had been except for two bright spots. One, I had Grayson's permission to ask Amara to marry me, and two, I was about to end this harassment bullshit against my family for good.

Without a doubt, there was no better way to travel than by private jet. When the wheels touched down, being able to hop up, get off the plane and into the waiting car was such a luxury, one that I’d be sure to never take for granted.

I knew True had his first date with Lexi tonight so he wouldn’t be at his condo when I got there, but I still couldn’t wait to be surrounded by him. Instead of moping like I wanted to, I took my phone off airplane mode and tapped into the group text with my girls.

Amara: Movie night at True’s?

Montana: I’ll bring wine and … not wine?

Amara: Juice would be good

Kennedy: Wouldn’t miss it.

The chill that I’d been fighting off all day had nothing to do with the weather, but I warmed up a bit at the thought of an evening with my besties. I needed a distraction to keep from dwelling on the fact True was out with Lexi right now lying to the world about their not-so-real relationship. I knew I’d hate this, but I didn’t think I’d hate it as much as I actually did. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the next three months, but a good place to start was leaning on my friends.

When I got to the condo, I let myself in with the key True had given me a couple of months back. This was my home away from home now, and eventually, someday, I’d be moving down here. A one-bedroom condo didn’t have the room for a baby, but it worked for us for now.

I barely had time to drop my bags in the bedroom before the girls started knocking on the door. I leaned down, pulling an envelope out of my tote. I was surprised I’d made it this long before tearing into the creamy sealed paper to find little P’s gender inside. The only thing that kept me in check was the fact I knew it’d hurt True if I found out before he did. We promised each other we’d find out with everyone else tomorrow.