Page 55 of Dirty Legend

"What's this girl like, anyway? And when would this happen?" I blew out a breath and unclenched my fist.

A grin swept across Harrison's face like he knew he had me. Fucker. "She loves to create drama and is full of herself, so there's no risk that you're going to fancy her or anything. Trust me."

She sounded awful, so that was a plus in the column of giving this plan some consideration. "She sounds awful."

He chuckled. "She's unbearable."

"You're really making it hard to say no."

"I'm going to level with you. This is your best shot. Go home, talk to Amara. Figure out if you want it bad enough. If you do, let me know." He clicked the tablet off and put it back down on his desk.

"When do you need an answer by?"

"When are you going to start recording?"

"Next week."

"Let me know by next week then. I'll need time to confirm with her people and set up outings in LA for you two before your album drops. We've got a couple of months, so we don't have to rush, but we don't have forever either."

I nodded, hating myself for even giving this a second thought. I should have immediately told him no, and yet I agreed to discuss this bullshit with Amara. Fuck, I hope she didn't leave me. Or kill me. Pregnancy hormones were no fucking joke.

"Fine, I'll let you know by next week, but I want you to know that I sort of hate you for this."

He grinned. "I know, but it'll be worth it, mate. You'll see."

"Fuck, it better."

I got up and walked out of his office, my stomach in knots. How the fuck was I going to bring this up with Amara? What would my parents think? I couldn't even handle the two guys Amara worked with texting her when she wasn't interested. How could I expect her to see me in the media all over another girl?

It wasn't fair to do it, to even suggest it to her. But she wanted me to follow my dreams and didn't want to hold me back, just like I didn't want to hold her back. So I owed it to myself to at least talk to her about it, even if it was the last thing I wanted to do.

* * *

Unlockingthe door to the condo, my palms were clammy. I dreaded the shit out of the conversation I was about to have. "Amara? You home?"

"Out here!" I followed her voice to the balcony outside my condo that faced the ocean. She sat in a lounge chair, her hair whipping around her gorgeous face in the breeze. I leaned down and dropped a kiss to her lips and then her belly.

"How are my girls?"

She laughed. "You don't know little P's a girl."

"Just a couple more weeks and we'll know." I sat in the chair across from her and pulled her hand into mine.

"I know, I can't believe we're already halfway done. It's gone by quicker than I expected."

"Me, too. I can't wait to find out, though." I was probably more excited than she was to find out if our little one would be a boy or girl. Truthfully I didn't have a preference, but I liked the idea of a little girl to spoil even if it scared the shit out of me.

She glanced back out at the water with a small smile on her face. I could stare at her all day. "Let's go for a walk on the beach."

"Oh, before we go, I forgot to ask how your meeting with Harrison went." She lowered her sunglasses to look at me.

"Let's talk on the beach." I stood up and pulled her up with me.

"Sounds good, let me grab my flip flops." I rested my hand on her belly and leaned over to kiss her again. I couldn't keep my hands away from her stomach, but I knew she loved it because she told me so. She also leaned into my touch and placed her hand over mine.

"I'll grab us a couple of bottles of water. Can't have my girls getting dehydrated." I let her go and made my way into the kitchen while she got ready.

Carrying the bottles in one hand and holding her hand with my other, we took the elevator downstairs. We headed out behind the condo to the beach. I kicked off my shoes and buried my feet into the sand.