Page 43 of Dirty Legend

"Hi to you, too, Mom. This is True. If you let us in, I'll explain." Amara sounded tired and resigned. I knew the stress wasn't good for her or the baby, but she was determined, so I had to support her. I imagined this whole situation would be even worse if she had to face it alone, and I refused to let that happen.

She stepped back to let us inside, her eyes never straying from me as she watched us walk by. Amara looked up at me and mouthedsorry.I didn't know why she was apologizing. It's not like she was the one being difficult.

"Why don't we go into the living room?" Her mom stepped in front of us and led the way to a colorfully decorated room that looked like it was never used. It was one of those types of rooms that people had to look nice but not to be lived in.

We stopped in front of the sofa, and I lowered myself down, sitting just on the edge. It seemed like her mom might not appreciate us actually sitting down on the furniture. Amara pulled our connected hands into her lap, and her mom followed the movement with a scowl.

"Let me go get your dad." She spun on her heel and stalked out of the room.

I blew out a breath. "Wow."

Amara shook her head sadly. "I know, right? I don't know how I never saw how closed-minded they were when I was a kid, but honestly? She's just getting started. Prepare yourself."

I pressed a kiss to her temple and pulled back quickly as I heard footsteps approach the room. Her parents walked inside and sat down on the chairs across from us.

"Mr. and Mrs. Divan, it's great to meet you. I'm True." I stood and held out my hand to shake Amara's dad's hand since my mom raised me better than to be a disrespectful asshole, but he glanced down at my outstretched hand and then sat back, his face stony.

Okay then.

I sat back down, and Amara gripped my hand back in hers as if it was her lifeline.

"What's this about, Amara? Who is this boy, and why did you bring him here?" her dad started, the distaste evident in his voice.

"Mom, dad, you heard him introduce himself. This is True, my boyfriend."

"I thought I heard you sayboyfriend." Her mom spat out the word.

I glanced down at Amara, and instead of shrinking away from her mom's wrath, a fire had ignited in her eyes. She looked prepared to go to war on my behalf. The timing wasn't great, but it turned me the fuck on.

"I did, and how dare you treat him the way you are. You both should be ashamed of yourselves. I know I'm ashamed. I wish we hadn't come."

"Don't speak to your mother that way. You bring this boy into our house without warning and tell us that you, our only daughter, have been carrying on a relationship with him? What do you even do?" Her father turned his glare on me as if my profession made me worthy of being with his daughter.

"With all due respect, why does what I do matter? Shouldn't the important question be how I feel about your daughter?" I tried to keep my voice even despite the fact I wanted to throat punch this jackass.

He scoffed. "Spoken like someone who probably has no ambition or direction in life. As if we'd give our blessing to your little relationship because you say you care about our daughter."

"Dad, you don't get to talk to him like that. We came here hoping we could have a civilized conversation with you two, but that's obviously not going to happen. I don't know why I expected anything different after how you treated me when I went away to school." Her voice shook, and I was about to say fuck it and get the hell out.

"You're in my house, Amara. I'll talk to him however I like." Oh, shit. Amara stood up, tugging me up with her.

"You're right, dad. Wearein your house, and we're leaving. Oh, by the way, I'm pregnant. I thought maybe you'd want to be in your grandchild's life, but after the way you just acted, I wouldneversubject my child to you or your behavior. You won't see me again. Have a nice life, I hope your judgment was worth it."

I couldn't help it, I leaned down and kissed her as their jaws both fell open. "I fucking love you, you know that?"

She grinned. "I love you, too. Now let's get the fuck out of here." She'd surprised me and not even shed a single tear.

"It wassonice to meet you." I couldn't help but make one last sarcastic comment.

Her dad stood up, his face turning red, and yelled after us. "Don't come crawling back to me when you need money, Amara! You're dead to us."

Oh, fuck no.

She sucked in a breath, and I knew that last jab hurt her. "Honey, go wait outside. I'll be right back." Her eyes shimmered, and I thought she might fight me, but she didn't. She went out to the car and got in. I strode back into the house. No one would treat Amara that way while I was alive. I didn't give a shit if they were her parents.

I walked right up to her dad with only a few inches between us and looked down at him. I towered over him and could have easily taken him down, but that wasn't my style. "I love your daughter more than anything, but if you think I'm going to stand there and let you hurt her, you're dead fucking wrong. She wanted you to be happy for her, to recognize justoncewhat an incredible person she is. You couldn't get beyond your ridiculous expectations to see her for who she really is."

He glared at me. I had no idea if I was getting through to him or not. "I've never met anyone more incredible than Amara, and the fact you didn't even hear her out speaks volumes. Amara will never want for anything and neither will our baby. I hope you've said all you needed to because I'm taking them away from here. When you wake up one day and realize you ruined your chance to have this incredible woman and your grandchild in your life, don't come running to us begging for a second chance. We're done with you."