Page 41 of Dirty Legend


"You're not throwing up."

She laughed. "No, thank god. That stopped about a week ago."

"I feel like I've missed out on so much." I laid back down and ran my hand lazily through her hair.

"You didn't miss much, really. You were on the video call with me for the last appointment, and the rest of the time, you just missed a lot of crying, sex dreams, and throwing up."

I perked up. "Tell me more about these sex dreams."

She laughed. "How about I show you instead?"

She pushed against me until I was flat on my back, and then she crawled on top of me.

Fuck yes.

* * *

An hour later,we were up, showered, and eating breakfast. I'd had a waffle maker delivered yesterday and whipped together her favorite cinnamon roll waffles. I'd paid her favorite waffle restaurant in LA a shit ton of money for the recipe, but her face as she ate this morning was worth every cent.

I sipped my orange juice. Coffee was still not happening. "What's happening at today's appointment?"

She cut into her second waffle. "This is an important visit. It's the point where you don't have to worry about losing the baby as much. I know I'll feel a lot better once we get to hear little P's heartbeat and hopefully see him on an ultrasound."

"Him? No way, mama. It's a girl."

She swallowed her bite before she scoffed. "It's totally a boy. I can feel it."

"I guess we'll find out in another month or so, huh?" I stole the bite of waffle she had on her fork.

She narrowed her eyes. "Hasn't anyone ever told you not to mess with a pregnant woman's food?"

I held up my hands in surrender and laughed. "I just needed a taste. It's all yours."

She cut another bite, her eyes never leaving me until they rolled back when the food hit her tongue. "Mmm, this is so good."

Aaand my dick was hard. Again.

I cleared my throat. If I bent Amara over the counter like I wanted to and buried myself inside her, we'd be late to the appointment. "I'll just go pull the car up while you finish. Meet me downstairs?"

She nodded. "Yeah, give me five minutes."

I made my way downstairs, which was uncomfortable as fuck with a hard-on.

* * *

Steppingout of the doctor's office, I couldn't help the lightness in my steps. Amara clutched a series of black and white photos of little P against her chest with a huge smile on her face. Our little one was perfectly healthy, and everything was going well.

As we walked back to the SUV I'd rented, she stopped on the sidewalk and grabbed my hand. "True… I think we should tell my parents while you're here."

"Are you sure you're ready? I know we can't keep it to ourselves forever, but I don't want to put any more stress on you." I rubbed circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. "Let's go grab lunch. There's some other stuff we need to talk about, too."

* * *

We slidinto the same side of the booth at a local Mexican dive. Ever since I'd shown up in her office last night, neither one of us had wanted to be away from the other for more than a couple of minutes. It was like we were making up for lost time.

"Is this okay? Kennedy mentioned that you did okay with Mexican last time she saw you." I pushed the basket of warm chips toward her.