Page 18 of Dirty Legend

“I don’t know,” I laughed. “He said it was a surprise.”

“You love surprises.”

“I know, I can’t wait.” I grinned.

“I’m cheering for you, Amara. I hope you know that. I want you to be so happy you can’t even take it.”

I reached out and pulled her into a tight squeezing hug. “I know you are and I love you for it. I want the kind of love you have with Z.”

Kennedy sighed. “I want that for you, too. He’s everything, and I can’t imagine my life any other way. If I can have it, you can too.”

“I hope so.” I really meant it. I wasn’t someone who ever dreamed of hearts and flowers or the magic of love, and yet when I looked at True, when he held me close and took care of me when he didn’t have to, I wondered if I could have it, too. He was starting to make me a believer, and just like with little P, now that I was going down that road, I didn’t want to go back. I wanted to see where it led.

Saturday morning, I woke up while it was still dark out. I wanted to get in a quick surf before I got to Amara's. I made it a point to be there when she woke up and when she fell asleep every day that she'd been here, but I didn't want to sleep over because she hadn't invited me to. Luckily I lived close by, and it wasn't hard for me to get to her in just a few minutes any time of day. I wasn't sure what I was going to do when she went home, and it would take a plane ride to get to her.

My thoughts swirled with unanswered questions. How were we going to make this work? I was gearing up to release my first solo album, and with that came a ton of work. I had to finish writing the songs with Zen, record everything, and then start promoting. Harrison was already developing a promotional plan, and I trusted him, so that was one thing I wouldn't have to worry about.

But how would I prove to Amara that I could be there for her no matter what when I'd have all these commitments to my career? I'd always wanted the chance to go solo. It wasn't that I planned on leaving the band. It was more something I'd always wanted to just do to prove to myself I could. A challenge.

We had a lot to discuss, but it could wait. Nothing was changing right away, and we had tonight. I smiled as I thought about what I had planned. From spending time together on the tour bus last year, I knew Amara loved vintage eighties horror movies, movies likeA Nightmare on Elm StreetandPoltergeist.I'd rented out an entire theater, and we were going to watch a double feature. Not only would it make Amara happy, but it would give me an excuse to hold her hand and wrap her up in my arms and hold her close. A win-win.

Before that, though, I had another surprise for her. Amara loved surprises, and I was beginning to enjoy planning them for her. She'd gone to the doctor without me, and I wanted to be a part of every single milestone. Before our date tonight, I wanted to take her to see the baby.

I'd called Montana yesterday and asked her for an OBGYN recommendation. She'd set everything up for me to take Amara today. They were opening the office just for us. The last thing she needed was to have someone taking video or snapping pictures of her, especially at this first appointment. I knew Amara's main hesitation in giving me a chance was that she didn't want to end up in the headlines and followed everywhere by paparazzi.

She watched Kennedy go through it last year, and it freaked her out. They could be crazy persistent. I needed to show her being with me, being a family, was worth it.

Pulling into the parking area, I hopped out of my Jeep and unhooked my board, hefting it down and leaning it against the door before pulling my wetsuit on. Glancing out across the water, I watched the white spray of the waves cresting and crashing down in a rhythmic dance. Inhaling deeply, I filled my lungs with the briny ocean air. Nothing gave me clarity and peace like the ocean.

Trudging through the sand, I lifted my eyes to the sky. The pink and golden streaks of the impending sunrise caught my attention. This time of day was pure magic. If I could be on the water to welcome every new day, I would. At this time of the morning, anything was possible. The day hadn't had a chance to figure out what it wanted to be yet, shitty or great. Right now, it was pure possibility.

I stepped into the surf, letting the cool waves wash over my toes while sinking them into the sand. I waded deeper into the water before I was forced to swim the rest of the way out into the swell. Pulling myself out of the water and onto my board, I floated, bobbing up and down with the waves. Because I needed to get to Amara before she woke up, I only had time to ride one or two, depending on how long I had to wait.

Keeping my eyes on the horizon, I traced the lines of every coming wave. A high peaked swell was coming right at me, and I was positioned perfectly to ride the break to the shore. Turning, I sliced my arms into the water, paddling as fast as I could before lining my board up in the shoulder of the wave. I launched myself upright, landing on my feet and balancing while the crisp morning air rushed across my face and through my hair.

Tilting my hips, I turned the point of my board, following the natural life of the wave and riding it into shore. As the power behind the water slowed, I hopped off into the water. Kicking towards the surface, I gulped in lungfuls of air before pulling myself back up on my board and paddling to shore.

Wading back up onto the sand, I unzipped my wetsuit, pulling it down off my upper body. I lifted my board and tucked it under my arm and made my way across the beach. When I got to my truck, I hoisted the board up and tied it down as another Jeep pulled in next to me.

"Morning," Grayson mumbled as he hopped down.

"Ah, Mr. Cheerful's come out to play this morning, I see." I couldn't help but tease him as I pulled my wetsuit the rest of the way off.

He scowled before flicking his eyes to the horizon. "How's the water this morning?"

"I only had time for one ride, but I didn't have to wait long. It's quiet but good." I grabbed a shirt off my seat and pulled it on over my head, shaking out my wet hair.

"You're done? I thought we could hit the waves together." Grayson reached up and unstrapped his board from the top of his Jeep.

"Sorry, I've got early plans. Tomorrow?" I climbed up into the front seat and slammed the door.

"Yeah, I'll be here. Harrison's coming too."

"It's a date." I grinned before stepping on the gas. Amara would be waking up soon and I refused to miss out on any time with her. She didn't know what she wanted yet, but I knew what I wanted. I'd never been more sure of anything in my life. This baby brought us together. Fate intervened and made all my dreams come true. Today was step one in my plan to convince Amara to let us be a family. I pushed on the gas pedal a little harder, not wanting to waste even a minute more time than I had to before I got to her.

Pulling up in front of Zen and Kennedy's Malibu house, I turned off the engine and hopped out of my Jeep. Maybe I should've showered off the saltwater, but I didn't want to waste time getting to Amara. She usually threw up in the morning, and I had declared myself the official hair holder backer. While she was growing our baby, I felt pretty useless. I wanted to do anything and everything I could to take some of the discomfort away from her. Whatever I could do to help and make her more comfortable was my mission.

Tapping gently on the front door, I didn't wait for anyone to answer. I'd already let Z know I'd be coming over every morning until Amara left. He'd smiled at me with a knowing look, clapped me on the back, and told me he'd make sure the door was unlocked.