Page 58 of Claiming Liberty

Should they know I’m here? Should I be hiding from them?

Why? Why would he bring them here?

“Angel,” I hiss when he passes.

He stops and looks my way, his eyes darting into the forest until he spots my head poking from behind the tree. “Lib?”

I step out into the open and give a small wave.

He looks up the path where the others are. “Go on ahead!”

They continue walking to the house, and one of them knocks on the door. The moment Angel steps into the forest, I run to him, no longer concerned about being spotted. My heart swells seeing his face, and when I jump into him, he catches me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him to me, nuzzling my face against his shoulder.

He chuckles. “Hello to you too.”

I pull back so I can look at him. “What are you doing here?” My eyes dart to the house which the women have disappeared into. “What are they doing here? Where’s Elsie?”

“She’s safe.” Angel slowly lowers me to my feet but keeps his hands on my back in a partial hug. “She’s at the manor, but I promise she’s safe.”

My heart stutters. “What? No, Angel, you have to go get her.” I put my hands on his chest like I’m about to shove him away, my gaze shifting to the boat. Panic pumps blood through my veins as Angel takes my face and brings me to look at him.

“She’s safe, Lib. I promise you, it’s best this way. If I had her, Sawyer would be watching me like a hawk. He needs her. He isn’t going to hurt her.”

“He—he needs her?”

“To get to you.” He gives his head a shake like he’s dismissing the thought. “It’s a long story.”

“What are you talking about?” I look at the house. “Who are those women?” My nails dig into his chest as I press myself into him. “Angel, please, what’s going on?”

“Everything’s fine,” he assures me, running his hands over my shoulders. “Please, just relax. I’m going to check on Elsie as soon as I get back to the manor.” He motions to the house. “The women are slaves of a few men I know. I figured they’d be safest here…”

My head tilts. “What? Where are their masters?”


My body tenses against his, and both of our heads snap toward the house when the front door slams.

Peter appears with a handgun, and Layan is right behind him, pleading at his back, Naomi quietly taking up the rear.

“Shit,” I say, grabbing Angel’s shoulders and tugging him. He slips away from me and walks onto the path to meet Peter.

“No, he’s dangerous,” I say on a sharp whisper as if Peter doesn’t have a clear shot of us. When Angel doesn’t listen, I groan and follow him onto the path.

“What the fuck is this, Ramos?” Peter asks, throwing a hand back toward the house.

“What you asked for.” Angel’s jaw is set in a hard line, and his shoulders are squared as Peter and Layan both get to him, gun raised in Peter’s hand. Naomi stands back from the others and tosses me worried glances.

“Put the gun down,” Layan snaps, her glare pointed at Peter. Her face softens when she turns to Angel. “What are you talking about?”

“Their masters were Alex Prack, Garret Ryan, Ash Colligan, and Bishop Long.”

Layan pulls back a step as she looks at Angel suspiciously. “Where are they?”

“I killed them,” he says simply. “That’s what you wanted, right?” he asks, his voice hard. I get the impression he isn’t here to join forces. “To get rid of all the sadists?”

“Umm…” Layan looks at Peter, but Peter is staring at Angel, his forehead wrinkled.