Did he really not know I was out here?
He clears his throat. “Ready to go?”
I frown, not liking where this is headed. “Go where?”
“To a hotel.”
“With you?”
He nods but doesn’t elaborate, which is way too typical of him.
I shrug. “Okay. I’m ready if you are.”
He gives me a curt nod then moves to his mother’s door. “I’ll just be another minute.”
“Oh.” I take his wrist to stop him. “I think she fell asleep. She looked exhausted.”
His cheek tics as his lips form the slightest grimace, and again, I’m hit with a wave of sympathy. It can’t be easy seeing her this way.
“Right.” He glances between me and the door before taking my hand and gesturing toward the staircase. “Let’s go, then.”
We’re halfway down the stairs when Angel stops abruptly, and I nearly stumble down a step.
I follow his line of sight to an older man with slicked-back, gray hair and his arms crossed over his chest. Luis stands beside him, and when he sees us, he turns to the man to say something I don’t comprehend.
Angel continues down the stairs, completely ignoring the man. His grip on my hand is bordering on painful, but I’m too scared to say anything. There’s a tension in the room that’s palpable, making it feel like all it’d take is a finger flick to send everything shattering into chaos.
We only make it a few feet toward the door before the man says something to stop Angel. It’s in Spanish, but it’s clear.
“I don’t suppose you said hello to your brother.”
Angel’s muscles bunch, and I wince at how hard he clutches my hand. He glances down at our interlocked fingers then lets go of me. We don’t turn around, but we don’t start toward the door either. We just stand in the middle of the room, our backs to the rest of them. Luis is quiet now. It’s pretty obvious the man wasn’t referring to him.
“If you choose to disrespect me, fine, but at least have the decency to visit Dario.”
There’s another brother?
“Papá, enough,” Luis grumbles. “Leave it be.”
Angel turns around, so I hesitantly do as well. The man uncrosses his arms, but his stance is still intimidating. Everything about him is intimidating. His squared shoulders, his tall frame, but more than anything, the hard look on his face and in his eyes.
Luis doesn’t resemble Angel in the slightest.
But this man? He is without a doubt Angel’s blood. I can see Angel in every inch of the man.
“I’ll be here again tomorrow,” Angel says. “We only came to see Mamá today.”
Angel’s dad barks out a laugh. “So it takes a dying breath to get your attention. I see. Tell me, are you planning on seeing the whore during what I’m sure is a short stay?” He laughs again. “Who are we kidding? You’re headed there now.”
“Don’tcall her that,” Angel growls, taking a few steps toward the man. Luis steps between them, and Simone and Maria scurry toward the kitchen.
“Angel’s right,” Luis chimes in. “That isn’t appropriate.”
The man shoves Luis aside and steps up to Angel. “What exactly are you going to do?” he challenges. “Are you going to punch your old man?”
Luis cautiously touches Angel’s arm. “He’s baiting you. Turn around and walk away. I’ll give you a ride wherever you want to go.”