Jasper climbs out of the water, and even from here I can see the rigidness in his back, the absolute rage wafting from him.
He’ll try to make her pay for this. I’m certain of it. But right now, I don’t worry that far into the future. A smile spreads across my face, and I laugh again as Jasper skulks away, ripping his shoulder from Patrick when he goes to stop him.
I pick up Lib’s things and carefully head down to the clearing.
When I get to her, I toss the clothes to the ground and lift her up in the air by her waist.
She giggles and grabs onto my shoulders. I spin us around then lower her to the ground and press my lips to hers. She’s stiff for a moment, but then her lips soften, and she cups her hands around the back of my neck.
I pull back and laugh. “You are so fucking amazing.”
“Itoldyou,” she teases, smiling at me. A real smile. They’re so rare for her.
Her eyes grow serious, but that smile remains. “You can trust me.”
I stare into her eyes and almost believe her.
When she lifts onto her toes and kisses me, I close my eyes and lean into it. Someone whistles behind us, and Lib pulls back, probably from embarrassment. She covers her mouth, and I catch her smile through her fingers.
“I should get dressed,” she whispers.
I nod, stepping around her to somewhat block her from the others.
“Is anyone else confused about what just happened?” Patrick asks.
“Liberty just kicked Jasper’s ass,” Sawyer responds, meeting my eyes and giving me a crooked grin.
He peers over my shoulder, and I look behind me to see Jasper dressed and climbing down to the clearing. He doesn’t so much as glance this way before walking to the trees and disappearing.
“Looks like someone’s a sore loser.” Anna giggles. Lib, fully dressed, steps around me but stiffens when Anna pounces on her for a hug. She relaxes into it and places her hands on Anna’s back.
Anna pulls away. “Gah, you are such a badass.”
Lib slides her hands up and down her arms as she leans her shoulder against me, her cheeks blushing. “I don’t know about that.”
I find Sawyer’s eyes again, and he flicks his gaze at the woods.
“I’ll be right back,”I say to Lib, kissing her on the forehead. She glances at me, a silent question in her eyes, but she nods.
I follow Sawyer, just far enough away that the others can’t hear us.
“So that was weird,” he says.
“I know. That was … unexpected.”
Sawyer nods, and I can see the trace of worry in his eyes. “How pissed do you think he is?”
“Pissed enough to leave and never come back, I hope.”
Sawyer sweeps a hand across his jaw and looks off like he’s thinking.
“It’s fine. His pride is wounded, that’s it. You shouldn’t be so worried about me embarrassing people.”
“Not people.” He presses his tongue into his cheek. “Just psychopaths.”
He moves his eyes to me and waits. It hits me like a freight train how much I miss him. He infuriates me, and lately we can’t seem to agree on what color the sky is, but he’s my brother, and I love him. He’s the closest thing to family that I still have.