He pulls another chair around, then gingerly lifts her leg to rest her ankle on it. I bring the bag of ice to her and try not to cringe when she rests it on her swollen ankle. She’s probably right about it being a sprain, but I can feel the pain just seeing the way her face pinches. I’ve had more than my fair share of sprains in my life.
Sawyer puts a hand on Anna’s shoulder, the act is so intimate, I feel like I should look away. “I’ll get you some painkillers.”
He walks a few steps toward the living room like this is as familiar as his home, but before he steps on the carpet, he takes off his shoes and pulls off his clothes. I think he’s going to stop at his boxers, but no, he removes those too.
I look away, blood rushing to my cheeks. Angel stares at me with an amused grin.
“God, that man is sexy,” Anna says as soon as Sawyer is out of sight. She’s laying with her head back and eyes closed like she’s soaking up sun on a beach, her lips spread into a content smile. OneSawyerelicited.
I sink into a chair and furrow my brow as I stare at Anna’s blissful expression.
Is she brainwashed, or is this real?
It’sSawyer. How could anyone in their right mind possibly fall for that man?
Angel pulls me from my thoughts as he slides into the chair beside me and rests his hand on my knee. I turn my head toward him, my breath hitching when I look into his dark eyes.
Something tugs at me, and although it’s gentle, it may as well be an anchor pulling a ship to a stop with the way it threatens to drag me under. The way he’s looking at me feels so innocent, soreal,and I have to question if maybe I’m as deep into this nonsense as Anna.
And here I am, supposed to be taking the driver seat but happily handing over the wheel.
I need to get it back.
That’s what I tell myself I’m doing when I lean forward, closing my eyes and seeking out his lips. Manipulating him. Stealing his trust like he’s stolen mine and using it against him like he did to me.That’swhat I’m doing. I can’t help it when my face warms as soon as we touch or the way my body relaxes into him. I can’t help but notice the way his body is hard and soft at the same time or the way his addictive mint and pine smell overpowers the mud.
He lifts his hand to my face as he kisses me, my body shifting closer on impulse.
Trust me, I communicate in this one little act. Trust me the way you made me trust you.
I open my eyes when a bottle rattles and snaps me out of the moment, one I uselessly tried promising myself I wouldn’t have. I pull away from Angel to watch Sawyer enter the kitchen, already tipping two pills into his hand.
“Here, baby,” he says, handing Anna the tablets.
Baby. It’s gross and sweet all at once, and I can no longer decide which outweighs the other.
Water drips from Sawyer’s hair onto the new shirt he’s wearing, one I assume he got from Angel’s drawer along with the shorts hanging off his hips.
“You okay?” Angel whispers while Sawyer goes to the fridge.
I look at Angel and nod, but I have no idea if I’m okay or not. It’s a flip of the coin on any given day.
Sawyer brings back a water bottle for Anna who gives him the most endearing look coupled with a, “thank you” as he hands it over.
“Do you want to shower before me?” Angel asks.
I blink and turn to meet his gaze.
“You’re shivering.” He runs his hands up and down my arms. “Why don’t you go first? The water will warm you up.”
I’m shivering? I didn’t even register the cold, but as soon as he brings it up, I’m freezing. The cool air in the room is like an ice blanket over my bare skin, and my soaked pants and bra aren’t helping any.
I nod. “Okay, thanks.”
His hands slip off my shoulders when I stand, and I instantly miss the heat. I take two steps toward the living room before stopping.
What am I doing? I’m supposed to be working him like a puppet, but instead, I’m doing whathesays, and in the process, passing up a great opportunity to take the lead.
I turn back around, drawing Sawyer’s attention as well as Angel’s, feeling a ridiculous amount of embarrassment at what I’m about to do. As if this is high school, and I don’t want everybody to think I’m a slut. In reality, I just don’t want everybody to think I’m stupid for this.