Page 95 of A Man's World

“Fine. But please, do us a favor and don’t stir the pot with this, hmm?” Giovanni paused for a moment before turning back towards us.

“Oh, and one more thing, that comment the article made on Luca letting Georgia pass – if we ever find that out to be true, I’ll have both of you off this grid.”

“That would require the rest of the grid to be able to qualify ahead of me,” Georgia retorted, earning an approving smirk from Isabelle.

That’s the Georgia I know and love.

Giovanni scoffed at that, but I saw his facial features soften ever so slightly. Our point had been made.

Georgia: 1 FIA: 0

I let out a huge sigh of relief as Giovanni left the conference room. Georgia looked a little more lively, although I could see she was still a bit shaken from the conversation. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into me before whispering softly, “It’ll be okay.”

And this time, when I said it, I knew it would be true.



Georgia: Summer Break 2019

“Hey, Georgie, Henri said you’ll be in town for the next three weeks. Can’t wait to see you during summer break.” I smiled into the phone as I heard Éliott’s voice on the other line.

“Yeah, got in yesterday. Can’t wait. It’ll be so nice to catch up.”

“You got any plans tonight?”

“Yeah, dinner with a friend,” I lied, a pang of guilt hitting my chest. After Éliott and I tested the waters of a relationship, we decided to remain friends. Truthfully, he had become one of my closest friends and confidants, and for that, I was extremely appreciative, but telling Éliott that I had a date with a certain Italian Wilmington F1 driver felt odd. Luca had gotten himself a bit of a reputation.

“Nice! Enjoy that. Right, well, gotta be off, but see you soon!”

After Éliott and I hung up, I hurriedly finished getting ready before calling a cab to the restaurant Luca and I were meant to meet at. He was coming straight from an afternoon event, so I had agreed to meet him there at 8 p.m. I had arrived a few minutes late, but fortunately, Luca wasn’t there yet.

At 8:15, I pulled out my phone to check my messages since Luca was now fifteen minutes late to our date. I shot him a quick text, asking if everything was alright. When 8:30 rolled around, I decided to check his social media to see if I could possibly reach him there.

And that’s when I saw it, the pink highlight around his profile photo, signaling that there had been a new live story. As soon as I pressed it, I realized one thing – Luca Rossi had stood me up. My heart dropped when I saw the photo. I tried to stop the small tear from escaping my eye, but it was fruitless. Not even five minutes ago, Luca had posted a photo of him with Edward and Noah hanging out, the three of them at a restaurant drinking cocktails, various women in the background of the photo, likely with their party.

As I went to Edward’s Instagram, I saw he had also updated his social media with a photo of him and Noah, but the background showed Luca sitting next to someone absolutely stunning. His hand was on her thigh, and he looked engrossed in their conversation.

The waitress came back to the table, and I quietly excused myself, telling her they could re-seat the table and that my ‘friend’ had to cancel. I suspected that she knew I had been stood up, but she just nodded gracefully and gave me a soft smile as I exited the restaurant. I pulled out my phone and immediately called Éliott.

“Twice in one day. What did I do to be so lucky?” he joked over the phone, but his laugh was immediately stopped when he heard my sniffles on the other end.

“I lied to you… I had a date tonight.”

“Had? What happened?”

“He stood me up.”

“Oh, Mon Cherie, that’s awful. Who the fuck was this guy?” I knew I had to tell him who it was now, but I also knew that telling him would likely mean ending the friendship between Éliott and Luca.


“Luc-“ Éliott paused, clearly trying to piece together what I was saying. “Luca Rossi?”


“I’ll fucking kill him,” Éliott said quietly. “Are you sure he stood you up? I know Wilmington had an event today.”