Page 91 of A Man's World

“OPEN IT! OPEN IT! OPEN IT!” Lily and Lizzie chanted together, both of them jumping up and down like a child on Christmas Day. Even Henri had a huge smile on his face. I took the beautiful card out of the envelope, reading the note aloud.

“My dearest Georgia –

Sorry I can’t be here to meet you. I was pulled into a quick Helios Sunglasses photoshoot. I’ll be back later for our dinner with Henri, Oliver, and Edward. I hope the items in this basket help focus you on the race this weekend.

Also, yes, the bow is blue because I know blue is actually your favorite color – you just didn’t want to say it on that first date in Miami because it’s the same color as your car. Nothing gets past Luca Rossi ;-)

P.S. I will be expecting coffee from these beans tomorrow morning.

P.S.S. Please wear the items in the gold tissue paper on Sunday to celebrate my race win. Under your racing suit is preferable. ;-)

Your Luca, xoxo”

I read the words aloud to the girls, blushing at his last sentence.What had Luca gotten me?

“Why am I going to cry? That is so sweet!” I heard Lily wail. Both Lily and Lizzie scooted over as I began to open the gift basket.

“Did you tell Luca myactualfavorite color was blue?” I accused Henri. He just shrugged, but the grin on his face told me he had spilled the beans.

“I didn’t realize you were so petty you decided to lie about your favorite color on your first date,” Henri quipped in response. I scoffed at that – my brother knew exactly how petty I was.

The first item I pulled out was a bag of coffee beans from my favorite coffee shop in Denver, the one Eric and Oliver always took me to when I visited them in America. How Luca had managed to get these over in time, I would never know. Henri immediately took the bag of beans and walked over to the coffee maker, as if he had expected the coffee beans to be in the bag, waiting in my room. It confirmed that Henri was in part responsible for this craziness, and my heart warmed.

When had Henri become so sneaky?I thought to myself.

I continued to pull out several other items – bath bombs and bubble bath supplies, a bottle of perfume from my favorite brand, chocolates from a chocolatier in Paris, some nice lotion, and several other snacks that I loved. The second to last item inside was an Aphrodite’s box, which I pulled out in awe. Had Luca gotten me more jewelry?

I opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver charm bracelet that had three charms on it – a lightning bolt, a Formula 1 car with a blue diamond, and a small crown with three spires on top. I was in shock, completely speechless, as I pulled out the bracelet, as were Lily and Lizzie, who just stared at it in my hands.

“Oh my god, he’sdefinitelyin love with you. Edward was right,” Lily gasped, finally breaking the silence in the room.

“Lily!” I scolded, putting the bracelet back into the box. “Luca is not in love with me… and Edward is an idiot,” I hissed.

“I sort of have to agree with Lil on this one, Georgie. You don’t make a uniquely personal charm bracelet for someone youaren’tin love with.” Lizzie was staring at the bracelet intently, eyeing the beautiful charms dangling from the silver clasps.

“Luca just likes to give extravagant gifts, plus I’m sure Aphrodite’s Jewelry would like me to wear it for a promotion,” I reasoned, although I could see that the two of them were never going to agree with me. “I mean, look at this lightning bolt necklace he gave me weeks ago.”

“So, what you’re saying is… he’s been in love with you for a while then,” Lily chuckled.

I heard a scoff from Henri over in the little kitchenette area. He wasn’t as amused as Lily and Lizzie were, although his lack of words left me slightly on edge.

“You’re both ridiculous,” I concluded as I pulled the last gift out of the gift basket, the item Luca had mentioned that was wrapped in gold tissue paper. I opened the wrapping and pulled out a beautiful purple lingerie set. As soon as I took it out, I dropped it on the coffee table in shock, a little embarrassed that I had opened it in front of my media manager and brother. Lizzie’s face had also gone bright red, although she was also sporting a huge grin.

“Iknewyou guys were having sex,” Lily mused, picking up the lingerie as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. I grabbed it out of her hand, quickly wrapping it back up in the tissue paper.

The words“of course we aren’t”almost left my mouth, but at this point, there was no denying it – it was the paddock’s worst-kept secret, well, except for our fake relationship, apparently.

“I’m going to kill that man,” I mumbled. “…after my bubble bath.”

“Not if I kill him first,” Henri said with a glare, awkwardly staring at the lingerie set on the coffee table. I could see from the look in his eye that if Henri was in on this little gift package, he certainly wasn’t in onthatgift.

“I suppose this is the moment I should remind you that you need to wear your fireproof underwear on Sunday.” Lizzie said the words with a laugh, although I could tell she was slightly worried I would actually take Luca up on his offer.

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, “No need to remind me, Lizzie. I won’t need to wear it since Luca won’t be winning the race, I will.”

“So, let me get this straight,” Lily began, ignoring the annoyed look I gave her, “He buys you jewelry and lingerie, takes you on vacation, buys you dinner, and watches late-night movies with you… and you’re having sex. How is this notactuallydating?”

“Because dating requires feelings, Lily,” I said sarcastically.