Page 81 of A Man's World

“Sounds good.”

“Excellent. Right, let’s begin. So, you and Georgia have been dating since around the beginning of the season?”

I shifted in my seat, trying to decide if this question was meant to trip me up or if they were just setting the scene of our relationship. We had purposefully kept the start of the relationship vague so we could make it appear even longer than it was. We wanted to make it look natural.

“Sometime around Imola is when I finally got the courage to ask her out,” I responded with a wink. “As you can tell, she’s very much out of my league, so I was pretty nervous.” The interviewer laughed a bit, and I could tell it was mostly to be polite. I supposed Ihadtold that one before.

“I know everyone is very curious about what it’s like to date your teammates’ sister. Any challenges there?”

“There have been some, yes. Henri was unsure about the relationship at first, unsure about how it could change our friendship. You see, in F1, a good working relationship with your teammate is one of the most important ingredients of a successful team. A healthy competitive relationship can make or break a team. Henri and I had a good dynamic going into this season, so with the possibility of that changing, he was rightfully worried – as was I.”

“How did you guys work throughout that? Or have you?” The interviewer threw the second part of the question in there slyly. That certainly wasn’t on the approved list, but Matteo had told me to expect some extras. The producers were famous for adding a little extra drama if they could.

“In the end, it’s all about communication and trust between me and Henri – and between me and Georgia. Our relationship is our own. It’s no one’s business. Henri understands that, and he knows that I’ll treat his sister with respect, which I have tried to do throughout the relationship, and I hope everyone has seen that.”

“We definitely have. The two of you have been quite private in your relationship, barely sharing anything on social media. There’s been jokes about this being a PR stunt among some fans because you’ve been so private. Any reason for the privacy?”

“Yes, there is,” I answered, perhaps a little too quickly. The journalists’ additional comment about the PR stunt took me by surprise, but I did my best to hide the shock on my face.

“Georgia and I value our privacy above all else. I don’t need social media to tell everyone about how I feel about her. We’re both private people when it comes to relationships, and you can see that in our dating history and lack of social media exposure over the last several years. Truthfully, I am constantly forgetting my Instagram password…my poor media manager!” I hoped that the answer was good enough, although I could still feel sweat start to drip down my hands.

“But if it was a PR stunt,” I added jokingly, “then I’m glad they picked the most attractive and intelligent driver on the grid. Would have been miserable pretending to date theother Dubois.” That comment earned me what I thought was a genuine laugh from the interviewer and other BBC staff, although I could see Matteo was giving me a warning look in the background.

As the laughter settled down, the journalist returned to his list of questions. “We’ve often seen you as a defender of Georgia during various media events. Any chance this led to your bubbling romance?” I let out a small laugh at that question – if only he knew.

“If there’s someone on the grid that doesn’t need help defending herself, it’s Georgia Dubois. I do, however, feel as though the press have been unfair to her this season, and it’s hard to watch someone you lo-,” I carefully stopped myself as the word ‘love’ started to come out of my mouth, trying to decide what word to choose instead, “-care deeply about get hammered by the press. But make no mistake, Georgia Dubois is a lion, and she doesn’t need me defending her.”

The journalist smiled at my answer, clearly impressed by it, which filled me with joy. Matteo gave me a thumbs up, which caused a flood of relief to go through my body. As the interview came to an end, the BBC coordinator came round with some water and a banana.

Luca: 1: BBC 0

After a few more moments, Georgia entered the room after her interview. Judging by the smile on Lizzie’s face, it had seemingly gone well. I saw Lizzie step over to Matteo, who whispered something in her ear. Lizzie turned to me, giving me a stern look. I knew Lizzie wouldn’t be too impressed with that PR stunt comment. Behind Georgia were her brothers Hugo and Henri, who had an interview scheduled right after ours.

“Did it go ok, Cara?” I asked Georgia as she sat down on the chair that was pulled up next to me. I made sure to say the words a little too loudly, hoping the journalist and other BBC staff would hear our conversation.

“Yes, yes, just talking about how good it feels to not only beat your brother but also your boyfriend,” she quipped.

“How you wound me,” I joked back, pulling her in for a quick kiss before the journalist sat down in front of us.

“Georgia, Luca, you ready to begin?” We both nodded as the camera began to roll.

“I’m sitting here with Georgia and Luca, two drivers not only competing for the championship this season… but for each other’s hearts.” As the journalist said the words, I turned to Georgia, who was trying – and failing – to not let a smile form on her lips at the journalist’s cheesy words. “Sorry – too cheesy for the both of you?” the journalist laughed.

“No, no, just laughing at the insinuation thatIwas competing for Luca's heart. Pretty sure that was my easiest win this season,” Georgia chuckled.

Who was this Georgia flirting with me on national TV – and could she stay?

“Amore, how you embarrass me on national TV! I thought we agreed we’d at least lie a little bit,” I joked with a wink at her, knowing Georgia would get the private joke. I decided not to look at Matteo and Lizzie, knowing full well how they would feel about this exchange, but I didn’t care.

I loved a feisty, flirty Georgia.

“So, Luca, we can obviously see why you fell for Georgia, but Georgia, did Luca have to work hard to win your heart?”

“Absolutely,” she said, perhaps a little too quickly for my liking, although her sultry voice definitely made up for it. “Although I think he had to work a little harder to win my brothers’ approval.”

“Oh yes, we asked Luca about that earlier. And what about you? Did it take long to fall for Luca?” The interviewer was pressing on this, wanting Georgia to give an answer. Georgia turned to me, a smirk on her face.

“Probably didn’t take as long as itshould have, but what can I say? I’m a sucker for a guy in purple.” I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit, not expecting that answer from Georgia. The first part of her sentence gave me pause, and suddenly my mind was racing a million miles a minute.