Page 78 of A Man's World

“Well, maybe one day we’ll see the two of you as teammates, and then we can decide who is the better teacher – Eric or Georgia!”

“Oh, it’ll be me,” Eric retorted, sticking his tongue out at me from the stage.

“I don’t know, Eric,” I yelled out from my seat, “you’re cracking on a bit there. You sure you’re remembering everything?” Eric just showed me his middle finger and turned back to Josh, pretending to ignore my comment.

Josh moved the conversation along, asking the drivers various questions about their lives growing up. I felt a hand reach over to mine and grab it. As I looked down, I saw Luca's hand intertwined with mine. His face was still focused on the stage as he laughed at something Edward said. I slid my hand out of his grasp and moved it to the other side of my lap, and I could feel anger start to boil up inside of me.

Here was Luca, thinking of a ways to end this relationship, and yet he still wanted to hold hands?Absolutely not.The nerve of him to think that we could just keep going as normal while we both knew he was going to break my heart all over again. And there it was, the thing I hadn’t really wanted to admit to myself all day.

Luca ending this fake relationship would break my heart.

I decided not to look at Luca, hoping that my subtle movement had gone unnoticed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Luca turn and look at me, but I refused to turn my head, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. I knew he would be a little confused, and technically, we still were meant to be affectionate in public, but the more I stewed on it, the more annoyed I felt.

I was broken out of my haze when I heard Edward let out a big laugh. I turned my attention back to the stage as I tried to piece together what was going on.

“So, Edward, you promised us a riveting story about how you got Georgia Dubois back for her hamster prank.”

“Ahh, did I now,” Edward chuckled, a gleam in his eye so bright, you could probably see it from the back row.

I knew Edward had been preparing this story for a while.

I shook my head, letting an annoyed huff escape my lips as Henri leaned over to me, whispering in my ears, “Feeling embarrassed yet?”

I scoffed at him, ignoring his comment as I looked up at Edward, who had spotted the exchange between Henri and me. He was laughing, wagging his finger at the two of us.

“Well, after Georgia released ‘Senna The Hamster’ into my driver’s room, she earned herself a bit of a Wilmington ban from our team principal, who said whenever Georgia came to visit, she would be restricted to the hospitality suite. I knew I had to get her back for that prank, but I also knew that Georgia would be on high alert, waiting for me to seek my revenge, so I lay low for a while until the last race of the season. Georgia decided to join us in Abu Dhabi to watch the final race. Georgia and Henri were having breakfast in Henri's suite, and they had invited me over for a coffee that morning while they got ready for the day. I knew Georgia would still be getting ready because, as Luca has now learned, she is never on time.” Edward made a big effort to wink at Luca, earning himself a few chuckles from the audience, but Luca just gave him a slightly strained smile in return.

“As she sat at the vanity, I walked over with a pair of scissors in hand and made a joke about cutting her hair, to which she told me to fuck off. I, however, pretended to ignore her and grabbed the back of her hair, motioning like I was going to cut some off. As she turned around to shove me away, she saw me with a chunk of hair in my hands that matched the color of her hair. Her face went deathly white, but as she grabbed the hair out of my hands in a panic, she immediately noticed that it was actually part of a wig I was holding.

After further investigation, she saw that the scissors I had threatened her with were actually children’s scissors I had stolen from my niece. Definitely wouldn’t be able to cut a huge clump of hair out of her head. But boy, oh, boy, was she pretty angry for a moment.

Still, after she grabbed the wig from my hand, Georgia was a good sport and congratulated me on a prank well played. Although, she neglected to shake my hand when I offered a truce.” The audience was now in hysterics as they started to chant for Edward to take a bow, which he obliged. Even Oscar, Lily, and Eric were all clutching their sides, belly-laughing at Edward’s antics.

“Just brilliant, Edward. So you’re telling me no truce was called, and we can expect more pranks in the future?”

“Oh yes, Georgia got Edward back for that one by having pretend Krispy Kreme donuts sent to his driver’s room, only for them to end up being peaches inside the box. We all watched his live video in the Valkyrie garage, waiting for Edward to share the box of donuts on his live story. His face when he opened the box was hilarious.” Edward huffed in irritation at Lily’s comment, and I could tell he was still a bit annoyed about the peaches prank, although that one was definitely one of my favorites.

“I was disappointed there were no donuts!” Edward yelled. “Never prank a man with donuts. It’s just cruel.”

“Well, well, well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the Edward - Georgia prank wars continue on to another season! A big thanks to Edward, Eric, Oscar, and Lily for visiting with us this evening. It’s been a pleasure, and we wish the four of you the best of luck this weekend.”

* * *


The environment in the hotel room had been fairly tense when I got back from the track. When Georgia came out in her bath towel, I was a little taken aback, although I didn’t mind the sight. I wasn’t entirely sure what she was playing at, especially since I could see the jeans she planned on wearing tonight sticking out of her bag. Had she purposefully walked out of the bathroom naked? I felt a twinge of sadness when I saw her. For someone who wanted to end our relationship, I was confused as to why she was parading around the hotel room naked –a reminder of what I wanted but couldn’t have.

When I grabbed her hand during the show, she pulled it away quickly, much to my disappointment. I knew at that moment something was wrong. We were still supposed to be a united front, but with how quickly she pulled her hand from mine, I sensed that she was already keen on the idea of starting to look distant.

As soon as the podcast ended, Georgia moved quickly over to Lily, giving her a big hug, and I did the same to Edward as he came down from the stage. Georgia quickly approached Edward, punching him,lightly, in the stomach and then pulling him in for a hug.

“You little shit, telling that story,” Georgia lamented. Her words sounded cross, but she had a playful grin on her face.

“Sorry, love, couldn’t help myself,” Edward joked, shoving her shoulder playfully. “Come, let’s go get some drinks, yeah?”

We walked towards the back of the event, where a makeshift bar had been set up. As I ordered my drink at the bar with Edward, I saw Edward’s sister waving at him, and he motioned for her to come over.

“Luca, you remember my sister Lucy?”