Page 75 of A Man's World

“Well, what did Georgia say?”

“Isabelle is talking to her now.”

“Well, of course Georgia is going to say yes if you give her the option. Why would anyone want to be trapped in a relationship with me?” My father gave me a sympathetic look. I could see him about to say something in response, but I put my hands in the air, signaling that the conversation was over. Before either of them could say something, I left the room and headed straight for my driver’s room. I immediately grabbed my phone my phone to text Edward.

Luca: You will not believe what Hermes and Valkyrie agreed upon today.

Edward: Valkyrie trying to recruit you for the 2023 season? ;-) Real power couple they’d have there, and we all know Lily has her sights on Eric’s seat over at Rennen when he retires.

Luca: Francesco had the nerve to tell me that Georgia and I can end our relationship after summer break. So fucking stupid, right? Everyone will know it was a PR stunt!

Edward: Probably not an ideal look for you, but I’m sure they’d handle the transition well. It’s not like Georgia would badmouth you in the press.

Luca: Here I thought you were my best friend, always willing to support me…

Edward: You want to know what I really think?

Luca: Even if I didn’t, I’m sure you’d tell me anyway.

Edward: I wouldn’t be British if I didn’t give you unsolicited advice ;-) I think you’re scared that Georgia will say yes to ending it. You’re scared she doesn’t return your feelings, which I personally think is ridiculous. But also, you won’t know unless you ask her… have you talked to her about it?

Luca: No, I have not spoken to her… of course, she’s going to want to end it. I don’t need to feel even worse about myself.

Edward: Oh Luca… you know what happens when you assume?

Luca: I hate you and your British phrases.

Edward: You make an ass out of you and me…!

Edward: Just talk to her. You might be surprised.

I sat there for a while, re-reading the texts with Edward before finally getting the courage to text Georgia myself.

* * *


After a scenario run-through with Mel, I returned to my driver’s room to see a text from Luca pop up on my phone.

Luca: Just spoke to Francesco… look, if you want to end things, I just wanted to say that’s ok.

Georgia: Oh… ok.

My heart sank as I read the words. Did this mean Luca didn’t want to continue our relationship? I knew the answer to that immediately. Of course, he didn’t, and it made sense. These last few weeks had left me with a false sense of security, and now Luca could go back to his old ways – a different woman on his arm each night as he attempted to “borrow” wealthy people’s yachts.

Luca: I just didn’t want you to think that you were still forced to do this. Don’t want you to feel stuck in this relationship.

Georgia: Sure, thanks.

Luca: I’ve got a late meeting, but I’ll see you at the hotel so we can ride to Edward’s podcast together, yeah?

Georgia: *thumbs up*

As I read through the texts over and over again, I felt a sense of dread. I’m not sure what part of me expected Luca’s reaction to go differently, but there was no doubt in my mind that the writing was on the wall for our relationship, and I had to come to terms with that.

* * *
