Page 60 of A Man's World

“Please, what?”

“Please, Luca, fuck me harder.” I wanted the words to come out as a demand, but when the words fell from my lips, they definitely sounded like a pitiful beg, something I am sure Luca enjoyed.

“Good girl.” Luca rewarded me by picking up the pace, slamming into me, causing my body to move up the bed. It felt incredible, and soon, I could feel myself building toward my orgasm, that familiar feeling building up inside of me. I could tell Luca was starting to get closer as well, his thrusts getting sloppier. His hand reached down to my clit, and he began to massage it, causing my toes to curl in absolute pleasure. He continued to hit that incredible spot inside me while his fingers worked me with delicate strokes.

After a few more moments, I felt that familiar coil snap, and I let out a loud moan as I screamed his name, probably a little too loud since my brothers were sleeping next door. I put my hand over my mouth and tried to muffle my sounds, but Luca ripped it from me.

“I want this whole fucking boat to know that you’re mine,” he grumbled as he reached his end, spilling himself inside of me.

We both lay there for a moment, panting away and catching our breaths. Luca leaned onto his forearms and gave my forehead a kiss before standing up and heading toward the bathroom. He threw the condom away and came back with a hot towel, cleaning me up.

I went to get up, but Luca laid back down next to me and pulled me onto his chest, surprising me. There was still silence between us, and truthfully, I had no idea what to say.

“I…I can go, let you get some sleep.”

“Oh no, Cara, if you come in here, pretending to need a hot shower so you can have sex with me, then you have to pay the price.” I wanted to be snarky at that, wanted to insist that I hadn’t actually come in to seduce him, but we both knew that was a lie, so I decided to keep my mouth shut. I quirked my eyebrow at him in question.

“Oh? And what is this fee?” I joked.

He pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest, and I could feel his heartbeat start to slow as he began to relax.

“Cuddles, of course.”

I huffed out a laugh. “Didn’t think F1’s most notorious party boy and model seducer was such a cuddler.”

“Well, I didn’t think F1’s goodie two shoes‘I’ve never broken a rule in my life’Dubois was such a bad liar. But I guess we both learned something new about the other.”




I woke up Friday morning to the usual sound behind me. Still groggy from sleep, I blinked my eyes open and looked around the room, but nothing looked familiar. I wasn’t in my room. And then it hit me – I was still in Luca's room – and in his bed. As if on cue, I felt a slight movement behind me. Luca's body was pressed up against my back; his arm was wrapped around my torso, pulling me slightly closer to him. I could feel his hard-on behind me, pressing into me, and it made me chuckle a bit.

Last night had been amazing. It wasn’t hard to convince him that I was interested in having sex, and he definitely rewarded me for my boldness. I figured if we were going to be saddled together for the long haul, I might as well get something out of it. Plus, my feelings for Luca were starting to evolve. He no longer irked me the way he used to. His cockiness and overinflated ego started to bother me less – they almost seemed cute.

‘I want this whole fucking boat to know that you’re mine.’

‘You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever met.’

I knew that Luca had likely only said those things in the heat of the moment, and for some reason, that made my heart ache. Did I want what he said to be true? I mean, he had asked for cuddles after, which I tried to play off as silly, but truthfully, it felt amazing to be held like that. I hadn’t been that close to someone since Anthony, and for some reason, it felt different with Luca even though we weren’t actually together – it felt better. I hadn’t slept that peacefully in a long time.

I looked at the clock next to me. The time read 5:30 a.m., which meant the sun was just about to rise. I figured since I was up, it would be nice to go out and enjoy the sunrise. I should also probably sneak back into my room before my brothers noticed I was gone. I hoped to God that they hadn’t heard Luca and me last night – the mere thought was mortifying. But as I moved to get out of bed, the arm around me pressed me back down, and I heard a chuckle from behind me.

“Leaving without a good morning kiss?” the voice mumbled groggily behind me. I let out a small groan but turned around to look at Luca. As much as I hated to admit it, Luca looked incredibly handsome in the morning, with his messy hair and soft lips. He opened his eyes and let out a sly smile, looking directly into my own eyes.

“Cuddles not enough for you, I see?” I quipped back. Luca just answered by pulling me closer to him, his lips resting inches from my face.

“Not when I have a woman this beautiful in my bed.”

A part in the back of my mind couldn’t help but wonder, ‘Did he really mean what he was saying? Or was he just trying to get in my pants?’

“I’m sure you say that to every lady that enters your bed.” Much to my surprise, Luca let out a loud laugh.

“Oh, Amore, I probably have said that before. You have me there,” he said truthfully. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I currently have a beautiful, completely naked woman in my bed who I would love a kiss from.”

I wanted to be mad at him for admitting his pick-up line to me, but his honesty was refreshing and had annoying won my body over. Luca let his arm drape over me, and he pulled me flush against him, pecking my lips and giving me his infamous Cheshire cat grin.