Page 58 of A Man's World

“Well, the color red doesn’t look quite as good on you, Edward, so maybe use some more sunscreen next time.” Edward gave Georgia the middle finger as she stuck her tongue out at him.

As Henri came back from the bathroom, I saw his eyes land on Georgia wearing my jacket before quickly moving them to meet my gaze. He had a stern look on his face, indecipherable to anyone who wasn’t in the know, but I knew he was pissed. He had told me to stay away from Georgia, but that had only fueled my desire to be with her more. Watching her in my jacket as her brother looked on in frustration, it riled something up in me.

The only thing worse than seeing your sister in another driver’s team jacket was seeing her in your teammate’s jacket.

Well, if he didn’t want to see it, he shouldn’t have gotten himself invited, I thought to myself.

I had been well and truly annoyed with that, but my parents were too kind to say no. They had at least asked me, knowing that I needed this break too – but how could I say no? Depriving Georgia of seeing her family seemed too cruel, even if I wanted her all to myself. At first, I thought having the other drivers on board would ruin my plans, but as she sat here next to me in my jacket, chatting away with Lauren and Edward, I actually felt relieved to have them there.It’s why I had invited Edward, to help alleviate some of the tension with Henri.

“Hey Hugo, mind if I take your spot for a bit?” Henri asked Hugo as the two of them swapped seats. Henri plopped down next to me and smiled, but I could see the strain in his eyes as he looked at Georgia and then back to me.

“So, Luca,” he whispered, “thought any more about what I said on Monday?” I let my eyes drift to Henri before nodding.

“Definitely did.” I grinned at him and put my arm around Georgia’s waist, pulling her closer to me. If she noticed my movement, she didn’t say anything, still laughing with Edward, Lauren, and Hugo. Truthfully, I was now just doing it to annoy Henri, although I wasn’t sure that he noticed that.

“Right, well, just remember what I said, hmm?”

“Sure thing, Henri, sure thing.”

Henri and I sat in silence for a bit longer, both of us sizing the other one up. I knew angering my teammate wasn’t a brilliant idea, but the more I thought about his warning, the angrier I got. Still, I had to remember, I was playing the long game. Watching Henri squirm would be worth it.

Finally, Georgia got up, giving her legs a good stretch. “Well, I think it’s time for me to get some sleep. I desperately need a shower and a good night’s sleep after today.”

“Yeah, why don’t we keep the drowning to a minimum tomorrow,” Hugo laughed, standing up and giving his sister a hug.

“You know, I’m going to crash too,” I agreed, patting Henri on the back as I stood up. “Sun really takes it out of you. I’m going to head to bed.”

As Georgia and I started to walk towards the bedrooms, I turned around one last time and saw Henri watching us, a dark look of frustration in his eyes.

Don’t worry, Henri, I thought to myself,I’ll be sure to take good care of your Peaches.

I walked Georgia to her room and said goodnight. My room was in between hers and Henri's, which was definitely on purpose. The three of us had the middle deck, while the rest of the rooms were on the lowest deck. I took off my shirt and threw it in the laundry basket, heading to the shower to get the water started since it took a little while to warm up. Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. When I opened it, I saw Georgia standing there, my jacket in one hand and a towel in the other.

“Hey, um, just dropping off your jacket.” As I took the jacket from her, I noticed she was also holding a towel. I tossed her an inquiring look before she continued, clearly a little unsure of herself. “So, the hot water in my shower isn’t working great. I was wondering if I could use yours?”

“Ah, Cara, came here to steal all of my hot water, I see,” I teased, moving out of her way so she could come in.

“Promise I’ll be quick.” She said indignantly, rolling her eyes in a slight bit of annoyance, which was intriguing since she was here to usemyshower.

“Not sure I trust you to be quick. I’ve seen how long your showers are. I think you practically took an hour-long shower after Monza!”

“I did not.” I could see the impatience on her face as she tapped her foot.

“Well, you’re welcome tosharemy hot waterwithme unless, of course, you want to go ask your brothers to use theirs. I’m sure Henri will find a way to make it a competition,” I grinned, knowing full well that she also needed a break from her brothers.

I could tell she was contemplating her options for a moment. The only other option was Edward and Lauren’s shower, and I figured that option was probably worse than her brothers. One could only imagine what they got up to in that shower.

“Just keep your hands to yourself, Rossi.”

“I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

“Doubt it,” she quipped back, taking off her sundress.

* * *


I put my towel on the towel rack next to Luca's towel and then slipped into the hot shower with my bikini still on, giving it a rinse. Luca quickly followed me into the shower and rinsed off his swimming trunks before taking them off and hanging them over the shower curtain. It took everything within me not to turn around and stare at him. I’d seen him almost naked before, back at Monza when I gave him that treat, but this felt different. Now, we were on a level playing field.