Page 108 of A Man's World

Henri: No, he was just… not himself. I asked what was wrong, thought you might know. He looked pale…

Georgia: Thanks for letting me know.

After another round in the media pen, I was finally released back to the hotel so I could get some sleep before qualifying tomorrow. When I walked into our shared room, Luca was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a note on the living room coffee table explaining that he would be back later and not to wait up for him. There had been some damage to his car after free practice, so I figured he would be at the garage, trying to help with the repairs.

I waited up for him, but after room service, I soon found myself asleep in our bed.

When I awoke the next morning at 7 a.m., I turned over to see Luca’s side of the bed empty. I immediately felt some panic setting in me. What if something had happened to him?

When I grabbed my phone, about to text everyone I knew in a panic, I saw a text from his Matteo letting me know that Luca was safe and had fallen asleep on his couch. I smiled at that – classic Luca, he was always falling asleep on couches. Matteo informed me that he would take Luca to the track that morning since he had gone to bed so late.

I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to see Luca before qualifying and even more annoyed that he had only texted me good luck. I had the sneaking suspicion that he was avoiding me, but I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, remembering our “exercise” that had taken place Thursday night. I knew he was stressed about the last race of the season, and I would see him after qualifying.

* * *

“Alright, GG, Q3 is about to begin. Ready to take your final pole of the season?” I chucked at Mel’s radio message. I was more than ready. I was the first one out into Q3, which was nice because I was able to get an early flying lap in with my new soft tires. I was able to improve on my Q2 lap time, and as the track evolution began to quicken, I made an improvement on my second lap in Q3.

“Right, GG – this is the last lap for you.” I made my way across the line with just 5 seconds to spare before the end of Q3. “Head down, GG.” It was as if the universe had decided to offer me a small slice of forgiveness for all of the times it stuck me in an elevator with journalists, sponsors, and other drivers. For once, things were on my side.

“Fuck yes!” I heard Mel scream into my ear. “Georgia Pole Dubois, you did it again! That’s you P1, Noah P2. One step closer to the World Driver’s Championship.”

“Wahooooo!” I screamed back at Mel. “Let’s bring it home, ladies!”

As soon as I arrived back at the pit lane, I was greeted by my team, who had all come out to congratulate me. Lily had gotten P4, a solid position for the team, with Henri in P3 and Luca in P5. Noah immediately approached me and shook my hand, congratulating me on pole position as he promised to outrace me tomorrow.

“Guess I better destroy you this season since I won’t get the chance next season,” Noah laughed. Before I could respond to his strange comment, I saw Luca motioning for me to come over. Once I entered my driver’s room, I was immediately brought into a huge hug by my boyfriend.

“Congrats,” he said, picking me up gently and kissing me on the lips. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Mon Amour. I was sad I missed you this morning. Bed felt empty without you.” Luca looked a little guilty, and he shifted his weight from side to side for a bit, clearly unsure of what to say. He grabbed my hands and pulled me into his lap on my couch.

“I’m sorry, Amore. I should have been there. I just panicked for a moment, but I’m going to be here for you, for the both of you.” Luca rested his hand on my lower stomach, his gaze looking up at me with the most loving stare I think I had ever seen from the man. I paused for a moment, at first reveling in the loving look, before processing what he had actually said.

“Um… what? Both…?”

“For you and… the baby?”

“What baby? Who the fuck is having a baby?” Luca was now the one sporting a confused look.

“Edward said-” Before Luca could finish his sentence, I immediately jumped off his lap and sprinted towards my door, flinging the door open with such ferocity a team photo fell down in the hallway.

“I’m going to kill him!” Fortunately, I didn’t have to go too far to find Edward. As I turned the corner, I heard the laughing of Edward in Lily’s driver’s room. I burst into the room, not even bothering to knock.

“Edward, did you tell people I am pregnant!”

“I don’t know. Did you tell Luca to tell me that you both had broken up?” I immediately stopped in my tracks.Of course, Edward had found out.

“Next time you might want to sure up your lie a little better…” Lily teased. I could see from the look on her face that she had spilled the beans to Edward.Iknew I should have included her.

“Et tu, brute?” I said to Lily, letting a small grin creep onto my face. Edward had bested me on this one, and I couldn’t even be mad about it. As I turned around to look at Luca, I saw a smile creep onto his face.So they had all planned this.

“Well, well, well, it might have been a joke that Luca and I were taking a break… but maybe now it’ll be true!” I had wanted the words to come out fierce and determined –angry– but I couldn’t help but laugh. I was impressed, and I recognized greatness when I saw it.

Takes one to know one.

“Fine, this makes us even, Edward, but you had better watch out next year.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way, Dubois!”