Page 107 of A Man's World

Lily: Fine, be there in 20

Once Lily and Oliver entered my room, I shut the door – motioning for them both to take a seat on my coach.

“Alright, what I am about to tell you cannot leave this room. Luca and Georgia are taking a break.” Silence engulfed my driver’s room as the two other drivers sat there, contemplating my words.

“Edward, that’s a pile of horse shit,” Lily finally scoffed. “Is this another one of your pranks again? Cause I’m not falling for it.”

“No, I’m serious, Luca told me this morning on our track walk.” Oliver shifted in his seat, eyeing me warily.

“Are you sure you understood right? I mean, Georgia and I literally just went apartment shopping for the two of them in Monaco this weekend.” I started to feel more frustrated as Oliver’s face looked entirely unconvinced.

“And I just had breakfast with them this morning…” Lily added.

I just stared at my teammate and friend for a moment before it dawned on me –those fuckers were trying to prank me. This is why Luca didn’t want me getting involved. He knew his terrible, poorly thought-out prank would be exposed.

No, I shouldn’t blame Luca on this one.It had Georgia “Sassy” Dubois all over it.

“Those sneaky little bastards!” Lily and Oliver continued to look confused, and I knew I would have to spell it out for them. “They’re trying to prank me!”

“Well, I’d say you have it coming, considering you told Henri that his sister was secretly engaged…” Oliver snickered. It probably wasn’t one of my finer pranks, but Georgia’s horror when she realized her brother was about to go beat up her boyfriend was hilarious – the look on Henri’s face? That was the cherry on top.

“I only did that because Georgia almost had me arrested!”

“Well, have you ever forgotten your paddock pass again?” I rolled my eyes at Lily’s snarky comment. I knew she loved that prank a little too much. “Sounds like you learned your lesson.”

Lily stuck her tongue out at me, and I flicked her off, not amused with her response. With each race I was beginning to realize that Lily was actually the sassier Valkyrie driver. Her witty British humor had really blossomed over the last several months.

“Well, two can play at this game! They don’t know that I know that they’re trying to prank me, and you’re not going to tell them.”

“Edward, do not involve me in your little prank wars with Georgia. I am not about to start WWIII in the Valkyrie garage,” Lily demanded, slowly getting up from the couch. Oliver chuckled as he excused himself, insisting that he didn’t want to know what we had planned. Something about undeniability being the best course of action for him.

“What? No! Come on… Edward and Lily scheming again – it’s what dreams are made of! We’re so good at it!”

“What can you even do on such short notice?”

“Oh, Lily, I am so glad you asked.”

* * *


After both free practice sessions, the FIA scheduled an extra press conference for Noah and me. Only a few points separated us in the championship, and I knew the FIA loved the drama, although Noah and I had agreed to keep the drama on the track, neither of us giving in to the demand that we browbeat the other out of existence. I might have been sassy to the reporters, but I would never badmouth another driver at a press conference –ever.

As I sat down in the chair next to Noah, he leaned into me. “I hear congratulations are in order,” Noah chuckled.

“Congratulating me for winning the championship already? Interesting approach, Hendriks,” I snickered, although my laughter was short-lived when I saw the look of confusion on Noah’s face.

“Sorry, Georgia, I get that you aren’t telling people yet. Edward has such a big mouth, just wanted to say congrats.” Before I could follow up, the press conference started, diving straight into questions about the upcoming race.

As soon as the press conference was over, I pulled out my phone, only to see a text from Henri.

Henri: Care to explain why Luca had a look of panic on his face during the Hermes strategy meeting today?

Georgia: Scared he’s going to see my rear bumper the entire race? ;-)

Henri: I’m serious, Peaches…

Georgia: Did he say something to you?