Page 103 of A Man's World

“Oh, Amore, how I wanted to hear those three words come out of your mouth for so long,” he sighed into the kiss, letting his arms pull me even closer to his chest.

I couldn’t help but giggle – it was as if my brain had gone mush, and all I could do was look at Luca like a little schoolgirl hopelessly in love with her crush. Luca sat down on the couch and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist, and I leaned down to give him another kiss.

“So, I have something to talk to you about.”

“Mmmhmmm,” I mumbled in reply, kissing his neck as he let out a laugh. I knew he was trying to be serious, but all I wanted to do was distract him with my wandering hands and lips. Luca pulled my face towards him, and I gave him a big pout, giving his plump lips one more kiss.

“You are going to be the death of me,” he whispered back, his control being tested. “But I am serious.”

“Fine…” I huffed in annoyance.

“I’ve been thinking about this… us… and I can’t do this anymore.”

Luca’s words felt like a punch to the stomach. I immediately sat back, my face filling up with anger. What did he mean he couldn’t do this anymore? I’d just told him I loved him in front of millions of people. Luca saw my expression and chuckled to himself, pulling me back down into his lap.

“Calm down, Cara,” he soothed. “I can’t do thisfakerelationship anymore, Georgia, because it’s too much for me. I can’t wake up each day, feeling how I feel about you, without being able to actually call you mine. I love you, Georgia Dubois. I want you to be mine, 100%, every day. I want –no need– to be able to tell everyone that my heart is yours… that it has been for years.”

Luca's words made my heart race. No one had ever said those words to me before, not with that level of conviction, with such emphasis and meaning. Anthony and I had said, ‘I Love You,’ but he never looked at me the way Luca was looking at me now – like I was the most precious thing in the world, a rare diamond that he would treasure forever.

Luca really was my number one fan.

“Are you, LucaplayboyRossi, asking me, GeorgiasassyDubois, to be your girlfriend? Have I actually tamed the infamous Formula 1 bachelor?” I teased, running my hands through his soft, black hair.

“Oh, Georgia, you’ve owned my heart for much longer than you know. When I asked you out all those years ago, my heart was already yours.” I leaned down to kiss him, letting my hands wander down his chest and then to the belt of his pants.

Suddenly, I needed Luca. I needed every part of him like I needed air to breathe. I was a drowning woman, and Luca was my life raft. I began to slowly unbuckle his belt, earning me a soft groan from my boyfriend, but before I could continue further, I heard pounding on my door.

“Love birds, we have to go! You can have sex back at the hotel!”

“Eww, gross, no!” I heard Henri yell behind the door, clearly annoyed with Lily’s comment. I had forgotten that Lily and I had driven together this morning. There was a mix-up with the rentals, and hers had to go back today, so we decided to ride together. Henri, however, had just bombarded Luca's and I’s quiet morning because he felt like being an annoying prick, so I got the job of driving everyone back to the hotel. Georgia’s ride-share service was up and running, apparently, and I suspected I wasn’t going to get a very good tip out of this lot.

“Gods, these two are the worst,” I sighed at Luca, who was trying to adjust his pants so he could hide the large bulge that had formed during our make-out session. I got up from his lap and went over to the door, opening it only to reveal my teammate and brother, each of them holding a bottle of champagne. It was clear from the looks on their faces that they haddefinitelyhad too much already.

Good thing I’m driving.

“Come along, children,” I said, grabbing my bag from Luca, who was now standing, a look of disappointment on his face, “back to the hotel before we get shit-faced tonight!”

The four of us crawled into my car, which was much too small for four people. Bugatti hadn’t actually made their sports cars with passengers in mind. Henri and Lily crawled into the back, rambling on about whatever nonsense they felt was appropriate after half a bottle of champagne.

“So…… Lucaaaa…..” Henri slurred, reaching over to the front seat and grabbing my boyfriend. “Now that you’re in love with my sister, we have some rules to discuss.”

“Oh shut up, Henri,” Lily protested, pulling him back into his seat. “Leave the happy couple alone!”

“Non!” Henri's French accent always came out thick whenever he was drunk. “I will set some ground rules!”

“I can only imagine what these will be,” I chuckled.

I took a peak at Henri in the back seat. He had pulled out his phone, and my heart warmed at the fact that my brother had actually made a list. I wanted to protest, tell Henri to fuck off and put his phone away, but I felt touched that my brother had actually thought about this relationship. His protectiveness was shining through, and this time, it was endearing to see.

“Shhhh….” Henri shushed me, and I knew he was intent on continuing this list of demands. “No making out with my sister in front of me. No sex when you visit my Monaco apartment. No sex on the Hermes plane, even if I’m not there. That’s a sacred place. Oh, and definitely no sex when our rooms are next to each other.”

“Too late on that last one,” I interjected with a laugh, earning me a glare from Henri and a cheer from Lily.

“You break her heart, and I will make sure your car actually burns with you in it. Understood, Luca?” Luca huffed out a laugh and turned around, only to see a very determined Henri with a frown on his face.

“Don’t worry, my friend. Your sister’s heart is safe with me.” Luca turned his head to look at me. His beautiful brown eyes looked radiant with the distant sunset behind us.

As soon as we got to the hotel, Luca and I made a beeline straight to our room, excusing ourselves from Lily and Henri, who wanted to keep drinking in the hotel bar, but I had other plans. The moment we stepped into our hotel room, Luca pushed me up against the door, his arms once again wrapped around me as he pulled me into him, our lips connecting in a passionate, lustful kiss.