I thought about that man—the good-looking cop. He wasn’t bad to look at it. He was too good for my taste. He looked like the type who wanted to whisper sweet nothings into your ear while fucking you missionary by candlelight all night. Not bad, but not me.

Lucius had admitted that he’d accidentally killed the good-looking cop’s partner. How? I don’t know, but I’m guessing it wasn’t great because the cop looked murderous when I’d watched him sizing up Lucius as I hid behind him.

He had crazy blue eyes like the color of the sky. I would remember those eyes anywhere, which was why I ducked behind the street bench, staring toward the police station as a man with a sling, dark blond hair, and those eyes walked toward a white car.

Oh my god. Did Lucius lose the prisoner? Did he escape? Was Lucius okay?

Tailing the cop, I waited in the shadows, my black hoodie firmly pulled up around my face and hair. There were two more police officers walking with a dark-haired man in orange wearing handcuffs.

My heart sank.

It was Lucius!

Trying to keep pace and remain unseen, I returned to the police cruisers and jimmied open the lock of the one farthest in the shadows, an older model that would allow me to hot wire it quickly. Driving a few miles behind, I carefully followed the direction of the white van, the two police cars, and the ex-captive cop following behind.

* * *

It felt like these boys had taken me on a whirlwind chase, the radio crackling with their pointless chatter as we went well past the town. Finally, I got a break when someone hopped on the radio and said, “Boys, I need to make a stop. Haven’t taken a leak since roll call.”

Crackling and laughter followed along with, “Okay, Bleu, pull up to the next gas station.”

Following the police car, I pulled off to the side, making sure the shadows hid their old-time police cruiser.

“Don’t take all day. I don’t want this fucker getting any ideas,” the cop said. The uniformed cop parked the white van in a spot that would make it too fucking hard to jack.

The cop was leaning against the back door, guarding his captive.

“Damnit,” I muttered, irritation flooding me.

Slugging my hoodie off my head, trying to appear more civilian and less like a murderer, I ducked behind the cars and made my way inside the gas station. I turned and headed toward the back, where the bathroom and storage area was. The lock was flipped to red for the bathroom, and ungodly noises came from it. There was one guy down.


I hid behind a cardboard box. The contents of different candies and chips yet to be put up from the day’s shipment sat beside it. The other cop patrolled the area, groaning at the smell, waving his arm, and coughing as he passed the door.

A chip bag crinkled, the sound giving away my location and causing me to freeze.

Cop number three stopped his coughing. With furrowed eyebrows, he walked over to me. My brain scrambled as I just stood there, and my entire body became visible to the police officer as he walked fully into the storage room.

“Oh, for fucks sake,” he shouted, slapping his leg and laughing. “You scared me! I didn’t know you were on.”

His continued words confused me, but I smiled weakly, my face ashen with fear. I had one chance to save Lucius. One.

“You couldn’t get enough of the action, huh? Had to see him go down, too?”

I nodded, not knowing what else to do. The man laughed again, stopping when his phone buzzed.

Flipping it open, he answered. “Ragen here.”

I tried to walk away, but he held up a finger, mouthing to me to ‘hold on.’

“Yeah! Hey Quinn, you’ll never guess who wanted to tag along. She stowed away.”

My eyes grew wide, and I smashed my fist into the cop’s face, his body going down with a thud. His phone clattered on the ground.

The other man’s faint “Hello” was audible as I took off out the back.

Waiting for the perfect second, I watched as the officer continued to call for the fallen officer. His irritation and worry grew until he finally bolted off, ran into the front door, and finally left the van’s back entrance unguarded.