
Looking around for a weapon, I settled on a damn liquor bottle. Sneaking up as best as my whimpering ass could manage, neither male paying any attention to me, I waited for the perfect moment and brought the bottle down hard.

My victim crashed to the floor. Standing above him, I felt a strange sense of sadness mingled with guilt. My heart screaming at me to stop. He saved me from a beating, so what? That doesn’t make him a prince. Right?

Quinn wouldn’t have hurt me if he knew it was me.

The male was in rough shape from their fight, my blow to the head being the final straw that brought him down. He looked up at me. Confusion and pain lacing his angry features, and something else…sadness?


His green eyes were gleaming with a look I knew all too well…betrayal.

Guard dog could hit. I’d give him that. My body was screaming at me. He was the best challenger I had fought in a while, but I couldn’t enjoy it.

Ember was in danger. I had to protect my woman.

My body came to a stifling halt when my head felt like an anvil had dropped on me. Dizziness settling in, I couldn’t hold myself up, the crash of the ground barely registering as I stared around in a blur.

Did the puppy get me? How?

I had been throwing the same amount of punches and jabs as he had. Maybe I slipped up, and he finally made a move.

One that was going to cost me.

My vision was starting ‘the twinkle, twinkle, little stars’ bit, and my head was throbbing. The blackness gripped me like a meat hook in my head. The last thing I saw before the darkness took me under was those haunting blue-gunmetal gray eyes staring down back into mine.

* * *

“Lucius Vasiliev.” Detective Micah Morgan Quinn said to me. The shiner and busted lip I gave him shone in the painfully bright fluorescent light. “You are under arrest for the kidnapping and assault of me, Detective Quinn, from the Rochester Police Department.”

He droned on and on about my rights.

“You’re also being charged with the kidnapping, assault, and murder of Detective Emily Kinds.”

I yawned.

“I don’t recall killing anyone,” I said, shrugging and leaning back in the chair as far as the handcuffs would allow.

I was going to get out of this.

I had to get back to Ember.

I had to make sure she was safe.

Did the police have her, too? She couldn’t be linked to my crimes. She was smart. She had to have gotten out. The detective’s jaw clenched, his good boy mask slipping, letting me see the murder in his eyes.

I grinned at him. “I simply escorted a pretty cop by car.”

The detective slammed his fists on the table, getting right in my face. “You smashed her in the head. She died from brain swelling because of that blow.”

“I’m sorry. Can you confirm the autopsy report, detective?” I said, smiling, knowing good and well no one ever found that cop. She was sleeping with the fish, and as all great criminals know—no body, no crime.

Quinn’s face scowled.

Also, he knew I had more than enough money to get bail for a measly assault and kidnapping charge if it even stuck. It was his word against mine. No camera footage could be recovered on the night of the abduction. The unfortunate power outage for the surrounding shops and my club made sure of that. However, he may have had me on that murder charge.

“We also have a laundry list of other crimes you were involved in,” he continued, that good boy mask sliding back into place.