Realizing the male blond cop was the one who was following my sister around like a guard dog made this all the more fun—two birds kind of deal.

I didn’t know who the fuck the girl was with him, but I didn’t really care.

Stalking behind the bar, I made my way to the alley. Seeing a stray dog, I threw an old granola bar his way and slumped down in the alley. My truck was parked right by the door. A convenient little parking spot to, say, abduct some dirty cops?

Taking out my gun, I shot a round into a hole in the tin barrel a few yards away. Dead fish were swimming in their afterlife, pouring from the holes. The pretty boy cop, right on cue, stormed outside the bar, making a beeline for the stinky fountain I created for him.

The girl was trailing behind him, perfect.

Two knights down.

Checkmate, baby.

Walking into the shadows, I decided to take out the female first. I never underestimated these women. They were strong little fuckers, crafty and agile on their feet. Smashing my gun in the back of her head, she went down. I winced at the volume, realizing that it was a bit of a hard hit. Blood welled at the wound, and I cursed.

The male cop noticed me instantly and started grappling with me. I had to give him some credit. For a cop, he was strong, and he definitely fought dirty. Kicking near my balls and twisting his fingers into my pressure points, I enjoyed this challenge.

But I couldn’t fuck around too long. My sleeping queen awaited for her prize.

Slipping my gun from my pocket, I didn’t hold it aimed at him. No, I aimed it at the cop on the ground. The big man stilled. His holy justice act may be for real, or maybe he had a loyalty to this girl. Who knew?

“As fun as tussling with you is, pretty boy, Imma need you to get your ass in the trunk. Play nice, and I’ll let the pretty girl live.”

I didn’t think that was entirely true, and I wasn’t sure she was alive, to be honest. I really did do a number on her head, and her hair was matted with blood.

He held up his hands and said, “All right. Just don’t hurt her.”

We both were probably thinking the same thing, but the hope was prominent in his voice.

Shrugging and flipping the girl over my shoulder, I gently plopped her in my trunk, guiding the male with my gun in behind her.

“My truck has been revamped not to have an emergency latch or the ability to kick out one of my precious taillights,” I warned. “So be nice to her, yeah?”

The guy tightened his jaw, but like a good little boy, he cradled the girl’s bleeding head and laid down.

* * *

Getting back to the club, I looked around for my Little Shadow and realized she wasn’t around. Maybe she went to get some dinner or something. Whatever, that girl was always running off somewhere.

Opening the trunk, I gave the male detective some duct tape and a metal set of cuffs.

“These bracelets will look lovely on you,” I said, smirking as he clicked the fuzzy pink handcuffs on his wrists. Tightening it myself, I grabbed the tape and smacked it on his lips.

Frowning at the girl, I realized she wasn’t waking up. Damnit. Ember was going to be mad that I killed another “Innocent.”

The pretty boy cop looked over at his partner and realized the same thing. Sadness and anger swirled in his blue eyes.

“Now, now, I won’t have any of that big boy.” I chastised. “You’re a gift, and you need to play nice.”

Those baby blues bore into me, daggers laced within his irises. His partner’s blood was staining my damn trunk, and blood was a bitch to get out of upholstery. I decided he didn’t need to look at his dead partner anymore and slipped one of my nice ties around his eyes.

I was generous like that.

Ember arrived a short while later. Waltzing up to me with Starbucks and a bagel in her hands. I grinned, kissing her deeply and giddy with my present locked in the other room for her. I decided it was best not to tell her about my accidental murder and just toss that lady in one of my expensive-ass rugs.

Her death cost me fifty grand. She went out in style. Reggie and Quiet an had taken her somewhere to dump her body in a grave, and I was saving the environment by letting her share someone else’s.

“So what’s this surprise you’ve been gloating about?” she said, her excitement evident even though she was trying to play it cool.