“Micah, please. I know she’s in trouble, but please let me see her. I need to find out what happened so I can help her get a lawyer.”

Now Quinn furrowed his brows, looking to Ally and back to me. I didn’t like this. Why were they keeping me from Cassie?

“Ella…” Quinn said again, holding my hand and leading me to the plastic tarp. “Cassie isn’t in trouble. She didn’t kill anyone,” he said carefully.

Snapping on gloves, I grabbed the edge of the tarp.

“I’m so sorry, Ella,” Ally murmured again.

Wait, no. That didn’t make any sense. Cassie had to have killed someone. She had to be in trouble. She had to, or that would mean she—

Quinn carefully pulled the tarp up.

My beautiful sister Cassandra Marie Fox was lying in a pool of blood, her eyes open, her face full of betrayal and pain, and my world shattered.

Iwas a murderer.

I had taken many lives, but never one that didn’t deserve it. That girl would forever haunt me. Haunt my dreams. Her eyes were so trusting, and she was trying to help me, for god’s sake.

And I killed her…ended her life…for Lucius.

The man stirred beside me. His sighs and snores filled the club. I’d sold my soul to the devil. Eili, his sister, wasn’t going to die at my hand. But someone was going to feel the pain of the life lost. Someone was going to regret the day they were born.

“What are you plotting, Little Shadow?” Lucius said. His yawn was a grumble as he rested his hands behind his head, looking over at me.

“I’m going to kill your father,” I stated.

I didn’t expect Lucius to laugh, but there he was, laughing his ass off and rumbling the big king-size bed we were lying on.

“Fine, sure thing, Little Shadow.” He smoothed my hair. “But first, you may want to kill his partner.”

I furrowed my eyebrows, annoyed that he was making me wait.

“The big daddy chief of police is the supplier for good-old Rochy Roch.”

I blinked.

Of course, law enforcement would have some dirty pigs, but I have to say I wasn’t expecting the head of the entire department to be using his little soldiers to distribute drugs.

“That’s unexpected,” I said, and Lucius laughed.

“Nah, all pigs roll in shit. It makes sense they’d take any scrap given to them.”

I rolled my shoulders, sitting up and rubbing my sore neck. My fucking face even hurt.

“You expect me to infiltrate the police?” I said as incredulity flooded through my body.

Lucius shrugged, a huge yawn and stretch accompanied by his rumble of silent chuckling.

“I mean, you could always just steal one of his little piggies.”

I pondered that. Better idea, I could lay in bed, and he could go and get a toy soldier.

“Actually, that’s your job. You owe me. Ya know, for stealing my innocence and all…you’re unobservant. I saved your ungrateful ass.”

The devil didn’t like being called weak. I grinned.

“Ha. If you want to kill the king, go after his guardsman yourself.”