Nothing really struck me as off until I saw small red marks on the floor.


So this wasn’t about retrieving money, then.

Lucius was searching. He began opening doors and closets, but there was nothing in the few small rooms he searched. His eyes became fixated on the handle of a door that was closed at the end of the hallway.

Opening it up, I hid behind him, not knowing if I really wanted to see whatever was in there. Lucius shielded me. His muscular body stepped right in front. I could hear whimpering—the sounds of a woman gagged, actually.

He had a hostage?

As crazy as Lucius was, I didn’t take him for fucking with innocents. But this girl didn’t seem like a bad guy. She seemed caught in a war she didn’t even know existed. I peeked through his arms and saw a brown-haired girl, a bit beaten up, but mostly just some bruises on her neck and thighs. She was in shorts that had little red stains on them.

Her shirt was torn up, and her chest was exposed. There were gashes on her stomach. This Markus guy was fucked up.

At least Lucius was here to free her…wasn’t he?...

Getting a sinking feeling in my gut, I realized he wasn’t wearing a mask, a hoodie, a black coat. Nothing. His beautiful face was on full display.

He wasn’t here to save this girl.

He was here to kill her.

Well fuck that.

“Hey!” I snapped, Lucius spinning around to face me, surprise on his features.

The girl was screaming now in the back—the gag muffled her cries for help.

“I don’t kill anyone who doesn’t deserve it,” I said, my eyes narrowing on him and his gun jutting out of his pants pocket. The little nozzle on the top must be the silencer.

He frowned, shaking his head. “I don’t like it, Little Shadow, but it’s gotta be done. She knows too much.”

I vehemently shook my head. “No.”

Lucius sighed. “Look, if you don’t want to be here, go back to the lobby. I’ll meet you when it’s over.”

The girl’s cries became louder. The sound of a wooden chair cracking onto the floor, and she bounced.

“You don’t want to cross this line, Lucius. Once you do, you’ll never be the same. You’re not like your cousin. Let her go.”

Lucius held the gun, his hands hesitant on the handle.

“I don’t have a choice,” he said, pulling it out and aiming it toward the prisoner.

I smashed into him, taking him to the ground. The girl bounced up and down on the chair but stopped when she saw me grappling for the gun with Lucius.

Her eyes looked haunted and confused.

Lucius spun me around again, and I locked onto her eyes one more time. Did she look elated? I backflipped out of his way, turning to her. No, she carried a look of defeat.

Fighting with Lucius hand to hand was like smashing my fists into fucking solid walls. I could tell he wasn’t trying to hurt me but subdue me and that pissed me off more. I wasn’t some meek weakling.

Throwing harder punches and getting more kicks in, I saw the girl struggling with the tie around her hands. Her raw wrists wriggled, and she finally freed herself. Instead of doing the sane thing of leaving and saving her skin, she jumped on top of Lucius and started throwing her own punches and kicks.

The gun was thrown outside the door, sliding along the floor to the damn balcony, and all our tangled limbs managed to sprawl into the living room area.

I broke free of the battle. Our strength and wits were too evenly matched. With neither of us winning or losing, I saw the girl run to the gun, her bravery and strength astounding. Running out to the balcony with shaking hands, she picked up the Berretta and pointed it straight at Lucius.