Feeling like Thomas, the fucking, Train, bustling along with these ignorant phone-addicted city slickers, I turned a corner and stopped to look up at the huge ass skyscraper.

“Is this the Inn on Brookline Drive?” I said to a lady passing by and pointed up at the hulking hotel.

The lady squinted, looking up at the building with me. “Yeah, doll. Just in that car park!”

She didn’t have an inside voice at all. I cringed, waiting for my eardrums to readjust.

“The caw part?” I said, confused. Seriously, what is with this accent?

“Straight to the center, go in the tunnel, press number two, and boom…the receptionist will be there, sweetheart!”

I didn’t catch much, but something about taking a shit. Nodding anyway and fearful for my hearing, I crossed the street to the car park, seeing a tunnel that led to a swanky elevator.

Smiling at the camera as usual, I checked my suit and tie.

Making my way to the receptionist, I plastered on my dirtiest smile, showing some of my manly chest hair.

The receptionist, however, was not a hot blonde, a sexy Asian, or even a bodacious ass black woman. No…what I got was a fucking man. Not only a man but one who looked like he could eat me.

I lost the smile and walked to the desk. “Excuse me, sir. I’m Detective John Waters, and there’s an investigation in room seven eighty-three. I need to investigate immediately.”

The gruff guy gave me a once over, not looking at all impressed.

“You got a badge, pig?”

Cursing myself and seeing my shit-eating grin on multiple cameras, I sighed. “Yeah, I think I left it in my squad car.”

Putting my tail between my legs, I walked out of the fucking office.

Maybe I can scale the building like Spider-Man.

Walking back toward the elevator, I caught a glimpse of a pale blonde’s hair near some pointless plant by the door.

My eyes narrowing, I walked over to it, casually leaning on the frame.

She didn’t bother hiding. No, instead, she tumbled out, laughing her tight little ass off.

“I’m not amused,” I said, watching her giggle, completely unfazed. It would be kind of cute if it weren’t directed at me.

“Real smooth, Casanova,” she said, her snorts still laced with laughter.

“Meh. He’s not really my type.”

She laughed again, her eyes twinkling with genuine joy. I liked seeing her happy. It made me feel…warm.

“Guess you can do better, Little Shadow?” I taunted.

She smirked at me, her eyes devious. Standing up and shaking that sexy ass to the counter, she threw me a wink over her shoulder.

Sure enough, within a minute of stuttering from the idiot male and flirtatious giggling from Ember, she was waltzing back with a shiny metallic card key in her hand. I raised my eyebrow, eating my humble pie with dignity. She giggled again, raising up on her top toes and kissing me on the cheek. My cheek flamed red hot with her brand, and I felt myself blushing.

Godamnit…this woman’s fire would surely melt me.

After gloating and dancing around Lucius for a few minutes on the seventh-floor hallway, taunting him with my prize, I finally gave him the keycard and stepped back, prepared for anything. I didn’t actually know why the fuck he was here. He said he was looking for something, but what? Jewels? Money?

Lucius placed his ear to the door and held up his finger to hold still as he listened.

Either not hearing anything or threatening, he opened the door. The inside area of the suite was big. The place was decked out like it was a playroom for millionaires who came here to pay for private hookers they hid from their wives. The screen door led to a balcony with a beautiful view. The screen door was wide open, letting fresh, beautiful air inside. The wallpaper was a boring gray wash, with a small kitchenette to the side and a big jacuzzi tub in the center.