“I know you took them! Give them back. Okay, then I’ll dig them out of you.” His clown-like voice echoed in my ears, the deranged laughter causing nausea to bubble in my throat. I shivered at the memory of his cold hands carving into my skin like a zombie.

* * *

Quinn noticed my face and got up to grab me some water.

“Sorry, Ella. I should let you sleep,” he said, shaking his head and fussing with his beard. It looked longer than usual. “They’re letting you out later. You have some bruises and a few scrapes, but otherwise, you’re okay, thank god.”

I pondered that. I would be happy to be free of this white prison. I hated hospitals, everything from the old people, the bleach smell, the television static, and the flashes of blue from all the nurses running around. Not to mention all the beeping. It was all too much for me.

“I’ll see you back at the station,” I said, trying to smile. “Oh, and Quinn? Have my nurse changed.”

* * *

Closing the door behind me, I breathed a sigh of relief. My jailbreak was successful. I walked over to her. The small framed girl lying in the bed that dwarfed her…she was maybe five feet, if that. She had little to no weight on her, but not by her own choosing. I couldn’t imagine the things she’d eaten to survive. But her long black hair was still quite beautiful. It was washed up and curled like springs at her sides.

She was quiet, and I thought she was sleeping. Turning back, I made my way back to the door.

“I recognize you,” she said, a thick accent popped out…maybe Russian? I froze, turning back around sheepishly and planting my busted ass on the chair beside her.

“Hi. Yes,” I greeted her. “I’m Ella. You met my partner earlier…I was the one to find you at that…” I let my words trail off. The only fitting name for that horrid place was a slaughterhouse.

“I know,” she said curtly, her amber eyes now clear and I could see a very light green around the outside.

“You’re beautiful,” I blurted out, feeling like a dumbass when she flinched. She was nearly every shade of yellow and purple from the bruises coating her head to toe. And she was missing parts of her skin in places. Her cheeks were sunken in, and her ribs poked out of her little hospital gown.

“I guess it feels good to hear when it’s not from those monsters,” she said at last.

I made a mental note that she’d used the word ‘monsters.’ That meant multiple people did this to her. And the others who were still and forever stuck in that horrible place.

Tracking Lucius, I had to be careful. He was always finding me. Always the predator. I was going to make him feel how it felt to be the prey for once. Keeping to the shadows, I pulled my black mask firmly above my nose. The only thing visible were my eyes.

“Come out, come out, little prince.”

I mused to myself, focusing the binoculars at the warehouse. Lucius seemed angry. It looked like he was screaming at some man. His rage was rolling off him in waves. He smacked the guy across the face. The crack was loud enough to hear it from where I hid in the distance. The echo was like a shot in the air.

The impact brought the man to the ground. I flipped open my laptop, adjusting the small device in my hand. I watched on the screen as the little bars began to rise.

“Who the fucking hell do you think you are?” Lucius screamed, the device picking up his murderous rage.

The other guy sputtered blood on the ground.

“It was necessary,” he pleaded, raising his hands in surrender.

Lucius looked absolutely savage, standing over him, “Putting my flesh and blood in a fucking cage for your own power is not a necessity.”

Cranking the volume up, I continued to listen.

“You don’t understand. Your father would have given her the command. We all would be under her rule. She’s the eldest. I did you a favor.”

The savage beast of a man roared. Pain and fiery bouncing off my computer screen and through the air around me.

“I went to that hospital. I was checking on something and imagine my surprise to see my fucking sister chatting to a cop that’s asking who tortured and mutilated her.”

His voice was calm now. A dead whisper as he looked in the eyes of the terrified guy on the ground.

“Were you the one to take my sister from her bed? Beat and torture her? Brand and violate her body for nearly a year?”

As Lucius spoke, he dug in the dirt with a metal-looking object. I guessed a shovel. The guy on the ground was sobbing—a wet puddle pooling around him.