I tightened my jaw, refusing to let his truth be confirmed. Instead, I gave a pathetic squeak that sounded like, “No, I’m not.”

However, it had a question mark sound at the end of it, and the uncertainty was clearly audible. He jerked my knees apart, pressing his thigh in between my legs. I cursed, knowing his leg was fucking wet from me now.

He laughed.

The truth of my arousal glistened in the moonlight on his upper thigh. He grabbed my arm and spun me around so fast I didn’t see it coming. My breath whooshed out of my lungs, making me feel dizzy.

“Ya know,” he said almost conversationally.

Taking his foot, he knocked my feet out from underneath me, shredding my bathing suit bottom as I fell. I hit the sand on my knees, and then he was behind me, caging my wrists in his hands, cuffing me like a criminal. My addled, sexed-up brain was too over the edge to care. I needed it. I arched my back, ready to feel that monster length stretch me.

“I really hate liars,” he said, his tone still lagging with lust but had a biting hint to it now.

I tried to turn my neck, but he gripped my hair firmly. Then, there was a sharp pain as strands were ripped.

“Tell me you’re soaked for me,” he demanded.

His ragged and angry pants told me his restraint was fraying with his need. My pussy wept. Liquid was running down my thighs, and I knew he could see it. He was so close to me. His heat burned me, sending flames across my skin.

“N-no,” I managed to say, but my moan of need betrayed my words.

With a chuckle, he drove two fingers into my soaked pussy. Finger fucking me deep as he took my head and pushed my face down under the water.

My dick was impossibly hard right now. The damn thing barely ever cooperated on the best of days, so why the fuck was it a steel pipe for this infuriating woman. I watched her struggle within the water and was curious how long she could be under the surface. Her sex was clenched tightly around my fingers, her slick heat searing me, and her lie was as evident as the blood in her veins.

Her hands kept reaching back to scratch my hand with her razor-sharp nails. The sting felt nice, and I chuckled at the drops of blood forming. However, it was frustrating that she was warping my tattoo. My very birth line. Moya Kotva or my blood. The insignia of my fucked-up family in the red droplet-looking symbol covering my hand.

I looked at my reflection in the water, my tanned skin and green eyes glaring back at me. “Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the sexiest killer of them all?”

Musing to myself, I noticed the little blonde was starting to struggle less in my grip.

She was right on the cusp now. Those vital seconds in which the meaning of life or death truly took hold of a person. I could end it, snuff out her life like a candle flame, but there was something about this little killer that I couldn’t stop thinking about.

She was…addictive.

Growling and hating this woman with my whole being, I pulled her up.

She was spluttering and gasping. Water streamed from her nose and mouth. Her makeup was all smeared, and her chest was rising so rapidly her tits popped out. My hands itched to bust open her bikini top.

I pulled out of her heat, making sure that she watched me lick each finger clean.

“You’re right, Little Shadow…” I met her concrete glare of hatred with my own. “You are not wet at all.”

She stood up, water dripping from her pale, long hair, leaving trails of clear crystals on her skin glistening like glitter in the moonlight. I wanted to lick them one by one. Her body was shaking. Her naked, creamy legs were like a baby deer’s legs when they were first born. Then she wobbled and fell into a tree.

I pinned her down, her protests weak in her exhausted state. Pulling that fiery glare to meet my lips, I whispered in her ear. “You were wet before.”

Her body stilled, her little panting gasps caught in my mouth.

“Now,” I continued, licking the water dripping down her chest and letting my tongue trail over her swimsuit top, right over her tightening nipple.

“You’re soaked.”

She gasped in outrage, making me chuckle. A squeaking curse came out of that pretty mouth, and she shook her wavy tresses in my face like a damn dog.

“What the fuck?” I grumbled, wiping dirty river water from my eye.

She smirked at me, her gray-blue, granite-colored eyes swimming with rage.