He didn’t appreciate my musings, and his eyes narrowed with suspicion. I couldn’t give a shit.

“I said, your father is not happy about all the shit you have stirred up. There’s a serial killer who has been culling us like fowl for years, and you were moved here to catch them. The fact that you haven’t just shows how incompetent you are. Your father decided I was best suited to take over the task. That includes your precious club. Not that it’s staying a club. I really think bringing the skin trade over here will work. A brothel of sorts,” he continued to drone on.

My ears were not picking up much after he claimed Daddy Dearest wanted to dethrone me.

Are you kidding me?

I was the fucking king of this fucking castle, and so what if I didn’t kill the Little Shadow. Yet. I was going to. As any good killer knew, learning their victim’s weaknesses was the key to their undoing.

After planting the cameras in her underground hovel, I could see every single weakness of hers as they wandered around, setting up their new tents and puking from overeating the extra food she’d given them. It was apparent they weren’t used to eating very much.

I planned to break down the Little Shadow by slicing up every one of her dwarves.

“I wish you good luck if you think you’re going to take what I’ve built from nothing,” I said to Markus, feeling nothing, empty, void.

“I thought you’d say that. And while I know it would be great to cleave your pretty boy body to bits finally, I have an offer instead.” Narrowing my eyes and leaning lazily on the bar, I nodded. “Alyosha is expecting me to run things here now so you and I can ‘share’ for the time being.”

I snorted. In Russia, where I grew up until I was five, I didn’t share. I stabbed some kid with a pencil for trying to take one of my toys. Now, being the type of man that I was, I liked to share even less.

“Think about it, Lucius,” he said, eyeing me. “Boss said you’ve got a pending investigation for a murder that happened outside. They need a warrant, but they’ll get one eventually. They will go through all the receipts and figure out that this is a front, and they are going to find all the dirty money.”

I contemplated that. It had been a few weeks since the detectives were trying to bust down my door. My guards, Kaipo and Reggie, said they practically had to assault one of them to get them to fucking relent. Not pigs, pigs were stupid, but detectives were like vultures, the lot of them. They were just waiting for a chance to strike.

“If I let you stay in a spare room, you tell my father to use a Yakutian as a dildo.”

I had to smile slightly at the memory of my Little Shadow orgasming so beautifully from her own little dagger.

Markus pulled at his collar, the image making him sweat a bit. Despite being called The Butcher, the guy was more like The Bitcher. His lackeys would do all the fun parts, and he took credit, never actually getting his uncalloused hands dirty.

“Right,” he said primly.

The preppy fuck flopped down on my favorite couch exactly where she’d left the best part of her pleasure. I growled, the involuntary sound leaving my throat and startling Markus as much as it did me.

Markus jumped up from the couch, staring at me. I, however, was focused on the spot.

Her spot.

Our spot.

Not his.

“Get your disgusting ass away from my couch,” I said.

My control was slipping, and my tone proved it. I did not have a grasp on my normal. Was this a new normal? I glanced back at Markus, perplexed. He turned, looking at the couch, confusion causing his bushy black eyebrows to bunch together.

“This piece of shit is stained with whatever you killed on it,” he said, disgusted, as he moved to a bar stool instead.

I clenched my teeth so hard I could almost feel them cracking as I moved so fast I was at his side within seconds.

“What did you say?” He would not speak about her that way.

He blinked up at me, his expression finally understanding the amount of danger he was in.

To his credit, he did try to move his hand, but I was faster. My Little Shadow’s dagger plunged into his flesh and bone, anchoring him to the bar top.

He screamed.

I yawned and grumbled. “Your hand is fucking up my bar, Markus. I just cleaned the damn thing, and look…now, you’re getting it all bloody again.”